Colonial Protests
British Empire
American Leaders
Imperial Policies
Colonial Society

This type of action, often led by middling artisans and minor merchants, intimidated royal officials.

What were mob actions or crowd actions?


This 1763 treaty resulted in Britain acquiring vast new inland territory.

What was the Treaty of Paris?


This Virginian compared King George III to Charles I, whose tyranny led to his overthrow and execution.

Who was Patrick Henry?


This 1763 boundary prohibited settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains "for the present."

What was the Proclamation Line?


These religious leaders, roused by the Great Awakening, resented arrogant British military officers.

Who were evangelical Protestants?


These colonial women celebrated American products by "drinking rye coffee and dining on bear venison."

Who were the "true Daughters of Liberty"?


These representatives of British economic interests petitioned Parliament to repeal the Townshend duties due to economic hardship.

Who were British merchants and manufacturers?


This Massachusetts lawyer persuaded the House of Representatives to call a meeting of all mainland colonies.

Who was James Otis?


This act explicitly reaffirmed Parliament's "full power and authority to make laws and statutes... to bind the colonies."

What was the Declaratory Act of 1766?


This group in the colonies was especially interested in westward expansion due to their land warrants.

Who were officers who served in the Seven Years' War?


This 1768 movement cut imports of British manufactures in half.

What was the nonimportation movement?


This administrative structure, imposed by James II in 1686, was a previous attempt to reduce colonial autonomy.

What was the Dominion of New England?


This Pennsylvanian wrote the influential Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania.

Who was John Dickinson?


This act created a board of customs commissioners in Boston and vice-admiralty courts in several colonial cities.

What was the Revenue Act of 1767?


These colonial residents hoped to receive titles to lands they occupied beyond the Appalachians.

Who were squatters?


This group in Boston burned an effigy of stamp-tax collector Andrew Oliver, destroyed Oliver's new brick warehouse, attacked the house of Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson, broke his furniture, looted his wine cellar, and set fire to his library.

Who were the Sons of Liberty?


This new mainland colony was created along with East and West Florida after the Treaty of Paris.

What was Quebec?


This Boston merchant was defended by John Adams in a trial demanding a jury.

Who was John Hancock?


This compromise in 1770 repealed most Townshend duties but retained the tax on tea.

What was Lord North's compromise?


This group of Native Americans formed in 1770 to oppose further expansion into the Ohio country.

What was the Scioto Confederacy?


This New York protest against ________ in 1765 involved nearly 3,000 people marching through streets breaking windows and crying "Liberty!"

What was the Stamp Act?


This British nobleman owned vast Irish estates and opposed westward expansion partly to prevent tenant emigration.

Who was Lord Hillsborough?


This American-born royal governor emphatically rejected the idea of "two independent legislatures in one and the same state."

Who was Thomas Hutchinson?


This 1768 shift in colonial management aimed to preserve the status quo of inland territories, contrary to the expectations of land speculators and war veterans.

What was the policy to make the Proclamation Line permanent?


These colonists submitted at least four petitions to the Massachusetts legislature asking for slavery to be abolished.

Who were African American slaves?