Gibbs reflective cycle
Gibbs reflective cycle

What is Carl Roger's belief in reference to PC Supervision 

that the client has the capacity to effectively resolve life problems without interpretation and direction from the counselor


Why was Gibbs' reflective cycle developed 

to give structure to learning from experiences. It offers a framework for examining experiences, and given its cyclic nature lends itself particularly well to repeated experiences, allowing you to learn and plan from things that either went well or didn’t go well.


What is involved in Gibbs' analysis step of the cycle

Why did things go well?

Why didn’t it go well?

What sense can I make of the situation? What knowledge – my own or others (for example academic literature) can help me understand the situation?


What kind of supervision assumes that the supervisee has the resources to effectively develop as a counselor.

P-C Supervision 


Steps of Gibbs' reflective cycle 

Description - feeling - evaluation - analysis - conclusion - action plan


What happens in the conclusion step of the cycle? 

What did I learn from this situation?

How could this have been a more positive situation for everyone involved?

What skills do I need to develop for me to handle a situation like this better?

What else could I have done?


What role does the supervisor play in PC supervision 

The supervisor is not seen as an expert in this model, but rather serves as a “collaborator” with the supervisee. The supervisor’s role is to provide an environment in which the supervisee can be open to his/her experience and fully engaged with the client


What is involved in the description step of Gibbs' cycle 

What happened?

When and where did it happen?

Who was present?

What did you and the other people do? What was the outcome of the situation? Why were you there?

What did you want to happen?


What is the action plan step

If I had to do the same thing again, what would I do differently?

How will I develop the required skills I need? How can I make sure that I can act differently next time?


What kind of supervision has 3 different levels 

Integrated Development Model (IDM)


What is involved in Gibbs' Feeling step of the cycle

What were you feeling during the situation? What were you feeling before and after the situation?

What do you think other people were feeling about the situation?

What do you think other people feel about the situation now?

What were you thinking during the situation? What do you think about the situation now?


who developed the gibbs reflective cycle 

Graham Gibbs