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A babysitter earns $8 an hour for babysitting 2 children and an additional $3 tip when both children are put to bed on time. If the babysitter gets the children to bed on time, what expression could be used to determine how much the babysitter earned?

A) 8x + 3 where x is the number of hours

B) 3x + 8 , where x is the number of hours

C) x(8 + 2) + 3, where x is the number of children

D) 3x + (8 + 2), where x is the number of children



Question 6

A soda company is filling bottles of soda from a tank that contains 500 gallons of soda. At most, how many 20-ounce bottles can be filled from the tank? (1 gallon = 128 ounces)

A) 25

B) 78

C) 2,560

D) 3,200



Question 2

A grocery store sells a brand of juice in individual bottles and in packs of 6 bottles. On a certain day, the store sold a total of 281 bottles of the brand of juice, of which 29 were sold as individual bottles. Which equation shows the number of packs of bottles, p, sold that day?



Question 1

Tyra subscribes to an online gaming service that charges a monthly fee of $5.00 and $0.25 per hour for time spent playing premium games. Which of the following functions gives Tyra’s cost, in dollars, for a month in which she spends x hours playing premium games?

A) C(x) = 5.25x

B) C(x) = 5x + 0.25

C) C(x) = 5 + 0.25x

D) C(x) = 5 + 25x



Question 6: A soda company is filling bottles of soda from a tank that contains 500 gallons of soda. At most, how many 20-ounce bottles can be filled from the tank? (1 gallon = 128 ounces)

A) 25

B) 78

C) 2,560

D) 3,200



3( + x y) = y

If (x, y) is a solution to the equation above and

y ≠ 0, what is the ratio x/y?

A) -4/3

B) -2/3

C) 1/3

D) 2/3



Question 20

The graph above shows the frequency distribution of a list of randomly generated integers between 0 and 10. What is the mean of the list of numbers?

A) 3.0

B) 3.5

C) 4.25

D) 12.0



In quadrilateral ABCD above, BC is parallel to AD, and AB = CD. If BC and AD were each doubled and BE was reduced by 50 percent, how would the area of ABCD change?

A) The area of ABCD would be decreased by 50 percent.

B) The area of ABCD would be increased by 50 percent.

C) The area of ABCD would not change.

D) The area of ABCD would be multiplied by 2.



Question 5

Which ordered pair (x, y) satisfies the system of equations shown below?



A) (−6, 2)

B) (−2, 2)

C) (2, −2)

D) (4, 2)



Question 13

The histogram above shows the distribution of the heights, in meters, of 26 pyramids in Egypt. Which of the following could be the median height of the 26 pyramids represented in the histogram?

A) 44 meters

B) 48 meters

C) 63 meters

D) 77 meters


To cut a lawn, Allan charges a fee of $15 for his

equipment and $8.50 per hour spent cutting a lawn.

Taylor charges a fee of $12 for his equipment and

$9.25 per hour spent cutting a lawn. If x represents

the number of hours spent cutting a lawn, what are

all the values of x for which Taylor’s total charge is

greater than Allan’s total charge?

A) x > 4

B) 3≤ x ≤ 4

C) 4≤ x ≤ 5

D) x < 3



p(x)= 3(x^2 + 10x + 5) − 5(x-k)

In the polynomial p x( ) defined above, k is a

constant. If p x( ) is divisible by x, what is the value

of k ?

A) −3 

B) −2 

C) 0 

D) 3



Question 9

A truck enters a stretch of road that drops 4 meters in elevation for every 100 meters along the length of the road. The road is at 1,300 meters elevation where the truck entered, and the truck is traveling at 16 meters per second along the road. What is the elevation of the road, in meters, at the point where the truck passes t seconds after entering the road?

A) 1,300 − 0.04t

B) 1,300 − 0.64t

C) 1,300 − 4t

D) 1,300 − 16t





A coffee shop is running a promotion where a number of free coffee samples are given away each day. The equation above can be used to model the number of free coffee samples, y, that remain to be given away x days after the promotion began. What does it mean that (11, 0) is a solution to this equation?

A) During the promotion, 11 samples are given away each day.

B) It takes 11 days during the promotion to see 1,210 customers.

C) It takes 11 days during the promotion until none of the samples are remaining.

D) There are 11 samples available at the start of the promotion.



Question 7

A car traveled at an average speed of 80 miles per hour for 3 hours and consumed fuel at a rate of 34 miles per gallon. Approximately how many gallons of fuel did the car use for the entire 3-hour trip?

A) 2

B) 3

C) 6

D) 7



In a certain game, a player can solve easy or hard puzzles. A player earns 30 points for solving an easy puzzle and 60 points for solving a hard puzzle. Tina solved a total of 50 puzzles playing this game, earning 1,950 points in all. How many hard puzzles did Tina solve?

A) 10

B) 15

C) 25

D) 35



15. What is the value of a if (2a + 3) − (4 a − 8) = 7 ?



Question 14

Which of the following is closest to the percent of those surveyed who had a summer job?

A) 22%

B) 35%

C) 47%

D) 53%



Question 3

The line graph above shows the monthly rainfall from March to October last year in Chestnut City. According to the graph, what was the greatest change (in absolute value) in the monthly rainfall between two consecutive months?

A) 1.5 inches

B) 2.0 inches

C) 2.5 inches

D) 3.5 inches



Question 12

Which scatterplot shows a negative association that is not linear? (Note: A negative association between two variables is one in which higher values of one variable correspond to lower values of the other variable, and vice versa.)



In the xy-plane, if the parabola with equation y=ax^2+bx + c, where a, b, and c are constants, passes through the point (−1, 1), which of the following must be true?

A) a b − =1

B) b c = 1− +

C) abc ++ = 1

D) abc − + = 1



17. If x − 2 is a factor of x2 − bx + b, where b is a

constant, what is the value of b ?



Question 27

A system of inequalities and a graph are shown above. Which section or sections of the graph could represent all of the solutions to the system?

A) Section R

B) Sections Q and S

C) Sections Q and P

D) Sections Q, R, and S



Question 17

If x − 2 is a factor of x^2− bx + b, where b is a constant, what is the value of b ?



Question 21

What is the minimum value of the function graphed on the xy-plane above, for −4 ≤ x ≤ 6 ?

A) −∞

B) −4

C) −2

D) 1