Bipolar disorder
Celebrities with mood disorders
More celebrities with mood disorders

 This is the term for the tendency of men to hide or deny their depression symptoms, which can make diagnosis and treatment more difficult.

What is male depression masking?


What percentage of people develop bipolar disorder at some point in their lives?



What symptoms of bipolar disorder make it difficult to know what's real and what's not real?

Psychotic symptoms


American actor who had her own television series

and has starred in movies, including The

Miracle Worker. She also had a singing

and writing career.

Patty Duke


a United States

congressman who took the fight for

mental illness parity to Capitol Hill.

Patrick Kennedy


What percentage of people develop depression at some time in their lives?



This type of bipolar disorder is defined by a pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes, but no manic episodes

What is bipolar II disorder?



confused thinking. What it might

be like:

“I used to try to tell my sister what I

was thinking, but I would jump from

topic to topic, and she told me she had

no idea what I was talking about.”

Thought disorder


a special assistant

to President Clinton. His work was

highly valued in the White House.

Robert Boorstin


is an American television

journalist who has been involved in

news reporting since 1975.

Jane Pauley


What are the symptoms of depression?

Sad mood, significantly less pleasure in activities, eating too much or too little, sleeping too much or too little, change in activity level, feeling tired, feelings of helplessness, hoplessness, or worthlessness, feeling guilty for things that aren't your fault, problems with concentration and making decisions, suicidal thoughts or actions


What are the symptoms of mania?

- Feelings of euphoria or extreme happiness

- extra high self-esteem and self-confidence

- not needing as much sleep

- talking a lot, or pressured speech

- Having racing thoughts or flights of ideas 

- Becoming easily distracted

- Increase in activity or goal-directed behavior

- making bad decisions, or getting involved in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences

- irritability 


What are psychotic symptoms?

Hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder


one of the most famous painters

who ever lived. He is famous for his painting, "Starry Night"

Vincent Van Gogh


a singer, songwriter, and a

pianist who has won 6 Grammys and is

in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Billy Joel


This is a healthy coping strategy that can help men with depression improve their mood, energy, and self-esteem, as well as reduce stress and anxiety.

What is exercise?


Can bipolar cause psychotic symptoms?



having very unusual

or unrealistic beliefs that are not

shared by others in your culture or

religion. What it might be like:

“I was convinced that I had special

mental powers that could stop missiles

in their tracks. I thought the FBI was

after me because they wanted to

control these powers. I even thought

the TV was talking about this.”



an actor and singer

who has had top singles on the

Billboard charts. She has received

awards including an MTV Music

Award, Teen Choice Award, and a

Grammy Award nomination.

Demi Lovato


the Prime

Minister of England during World War II

and led his country to victory.

Winston Churchill


 What is the name of the type of treatment that involves exposing oneself to natural or artificial light to improve one’s mood and energy levels?

 Light therapy


This symptom of a manic episode involves having a decreased need for sleep

What is insomnia?


having very unusual

or unrealistic beliefs that are not

shared by others in your culture or

religion. What it might be like:

“I was convinced that I had special

mental powers that could stop missiles

in their tracks. I thought the FBI was

after me because they wanted to

control these powers. I even thought

the TV was talking about this.”



was an

American actor who starred in movies,

including Star Wars; a stage actor who

appeared in plays, including Wishful

Drinking; and an author of books,

including Postcards From the Edge.

Carrie Fisher


an American television

journalist well known for conducting

interviews on the TV show 60 Minutes

Mike Wallace