Problem Solving
Money Management
Time Management
Applying Life Skills to Working in the Community

True or False: People who do not have mental health conditions or a disability solve problems differently than those that do

False! All people face problems and can use the same problem solving skills to get to the solution they are looking for


What is the difference between essential and nonessential expenses?

Essential expenses are things that everyone needs such as shelter and food. Nonessential expenses are things that people may want such as going out to eat or using tobacco products


What does it mean to procrastinate?

To delay or postpone doing something


True or False: A person's emotions have nothing to do with their physical well being.

False. Many emotions can be felt physically


How can a person's emotions affect work performance?

The person may start to miss work or be less productive if he/she is feeling down. The same person may be more productive if they are feeling very happy. For example


True or False: Skills to solve conflicts with others are similar to the skills to solve problems

True! In fact some of the same skills can be used in both problem solving and conflict resolution


True or False: There is a concert next month that I really want to see. Before I buy my ticket I need to make sure my essential expenses are paid for so I know if I have the extra money/

True! Going to see a concert would be an example of a nonessential expense


How can prioritizing tasks help with time management?

By prioritizing tasks you can finish the most important ones first or the ones that have the closest deadlines. From there, you can move on to less urgent matters knowing the most important ones have been taken care of


How can self-awareness help in everyday life?

Self-awareness will teach you about yourself. You will learn more about what you like and don't, what you are good at and not and areas you need help and don't. 


If my problem is that my monthly income is less than my monthly expenses, is the answer always to get a job?

Not necessarily. Having a job can be a great way to boost your income. However, there are many components that can be leading to this budgeting concern. Proper problem solving and money management skills will help decide the best solution for this concern


Do all people solve problems in the same way?

Not always. Often times there are several ways to solve the same problem. The key is to determine which problem solving techniques work best for you and for the problem at hand


My income is less than my monthly expenses. What are two changes I can make so that I can afford all of my expenses?

Get a job, work more hours, cut back on nonessential expenses, use coupons, buy store brand products, ect


What does the S stand for in SMART Goals?

A. Small

B. Specific

C. Separate

B. Specific


True or False: Being able to recognize and acknowledge your feelings is an example of emotional awareness



True or False: Someone receiving SSI/SSDI can work full time as long as they report their wages to Social Security.

False! All people receiving Social Security will have a job income limit. If a person receiving benefits makes more than this limit, the benefits the person receives will be decreased or discontinued


How can past experiences make problem solving easier?

Remember similar problems, how you solved them and what worked. Ask others what may have worked for them.


I have paid all of my essential expenses and have $100 left over this month. What is the best choice with this extra money:

A. Spend none of it, save it all

B. Spend all of it, save none

C. Spend some of it, save some of it

C. Spend some of it, save some of it


While working towards your goals, how can scheduling be helpful?

Scheduling time to work on certain parts of a goal can help a large goal seem less overwhelming. It can also create less worry about things not getting done when you know you have set time aside to get the work done


Is self-confidence a good or bad thing?

It can be a very good thing, though sometimes people can become too confident in themselves. Some self-confidence is very healthy and can empower you in many different areas such as at a job interview!


How can knowing your own strengths and weakneses help you at a job interview or starting a new job?

Knowing what you are good at can boost your confidence and is a great way to showcase your skills in a positive way. Also knowing your weaknesses can help you to advocate for any help you may need to help avoid making mistakes


What are two factors that can make solving a problem difficult?

Not knowing all the facts, multiple possible outcomes, multiple views of others, large number of decisions needed to solve the problem, being on a timed deadline to solve the problem, ect..


My monthly income is $800

My monthly expenses are:

rent - $300

groceries - $150

phone - $50

How much money do I have left after my essential expenses?



What are 3 benefits of effective time management?

Improved productivity, make time for things you value, find greater balance, greater life satisfaction, set and achieve long term goals, accomplish tasks and reach goals with less stress and anxiety, focus your energy on important tasks, ect


What are 2 ways you can show others that you have self-confidence?

Answers vary


Sally wants to start working in the community again. She is aware that she gets very anxious  when taking the bus which causes her to just stay home. Sally really wants to make more money so she said she is just going to deal with the bus and get a job. 

Why is Sally's plan not going to work?

Sally is aware of her emotions and knows that the bus is something that triggers her anxiety. While Sally wants to work, Sally is not making any plan for how she will cope with her anxiety getting to work once she is hired. More than likely, this will not be a successful transition back to work for Sally.