What are the colors of Christmas?
White and Gold
What are the colors for Easter?
White and Gold
How long does it last for?
3 days
What does Lent mean?
What did Father Sean dedicate the Mass to?
The Baptism of 4 kids
What does white and gold represent?
How long does Easter last for?
50 days long
What are the 3 days of Triduum?
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday
When does Lent begin?
On Ash Wednesday
When Father Sean was raising up the bread
How long does Christmas last?
About 12 days
When does Easter end?
On Pentecost
What does tri mean in Triduum?
It means 3 which represents 3 days
What are the colors of Lent?
Purple and Violet
What question did Father Sean ask Mariah?
When does Christmas end?
Christmas is the birth of who?
Easter is the what season of the church?
Greatest/Most important
What is the color?
Red for the blood of Jesus
How long is Lent?
It is 6 weeks 40 days not including Sundays
What was the last thing that was said at the end of the Mass?
In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit
When does Christmas end?
On the Baptism of the Lord
Easter celebrates the what of Christ?
What does Eucharist mean?
What is Lent all about?
It is about giving something up and going to Penance
What was Father Sean wearing?
White and gold robe