
Who was the Life Skills Program initially designed for?

Socio-economically disadvantaged adults


what is the most effective communication style?



Your client's dog passed away last weekend- give an example of an empathetic response

Example ("I can really hear how much your dog meant to you and I can see the tears.. that appears to me there is a lot of sadness there for you right now, and that makes so much sense to me because your dog was your companion, your best friend for all these years...")


Why is it important for a skilled coach to ask a lot of questions during a session?

Invite inquiry and compassionate curiosity 


The most effective open-ended coaching questions start with _____ & _____ ?

How & What?


What is the definition of life skills?

Life skills are problem solving behaviours appropriately and responsibly used in the management of personal affairs




Describe the stage "contemplation", in stages of change

Client is considering making a change, but doesn't know what that change is exactly, or how to make it and is still feeling undecided. No plan/action to make a change yet.


When would you refer a client to a counsellor?

If the client is seeking healing/processing from past trauma


What is an example of a ‘Stimulus'? (5 phase lesson plan)



a question, video, exercise (anything relevant is accepted)


What is a metaphor?

A figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two unlike things that have something important in common. Metaphors foster connection, build communication and encourage insight.


What are the stages of GROUP DEVELOPMENT?





What is a limiting belief?

a belief a person holds about themselves, limiting their capacities and abilities


Define empathy and explain its importance in Coaching.

Empathy is the ability to understand the emotional experience of another, connect with that experience from within oneself, and have an appropriate, compassionate response. Empathy builds trust and safety in the coaching relationship and encourages emotional processing. 


Explain the purpose of a "stimulus"

-introduces a problem, topic or skill

-stimulates thoughts/feelings in the participants


Explain why giving advice isn't effective in Coaching

- It's more powerful for a client to find their own answers. If someone relies on a coach for advice, they come to believe that the coach is the capable one, not themselves. 


What does SMARTER stand for in goal setting?

                                                                                 specific, measurable, action plan, realistic, timely, emotional motivation, and relevance




What do BEFIR'S stand for?

body language, eye contact, following, i-thou, relaxation


Describe 2 responsibilities of a Life Coach (according to ICF)


  •  Discovering, clarifying and aligning with what the client wants to achieve                     
  •   Encouraging a client’s self-discovery
  •   Eliciting client-generated solutions and       strategies                        
  •  Holding the client responsible and accountable 
  • To have adequate and ongoing training in the field from reputable teachers.                      
  • A commitment to their personal development.                                           




Name 3 responsibilities of a life skills facilitator 

- Observes group process

- Helps keep group focused

- Discourages group from going off topic

- Ensures that everyone participates

- Protects members from getting attached

- Points out and helps to resolve conflicts


Explain the value of including a "Rationale" in the 5 phase lesson plan

- explains the reason or purpose of the lesson

- and how it pertains to the needs of the group 


Name and describe the 3 levels of listening

level one- internal listening (awareness/attention is on oneself)

level two- focused listening (all attention/focus is on the client)

level three- global listening (the listener can observe their client with all their senses, what they see, hear, smell, feel, intuit)


During a session, your client shares that they are unsatisfied with their job and does not have the confidence, tools or resources to leave and look for another job- give two examples of questions you'd ask your client to explore this topic

- any questions that explore the client's experience/beliefs/emotions/perception etc are acceptable.


Name 3 key differences between Coaching and Counselling

- coaching focuses on the present and how to move into the desired future

- coaching doesn't attempt to unearth and heal wounds from a person's past

- counsellors provide support for those suffering from addictions, mental health disorders, while coaching does not

- counsellors have the ability to delve into a client's past in order to support the healing of a person's traumas


Name and describe the steps to problem solving. (hint: ribcie)

1. Recognize that there is a problem

2. Identify and own the problem

3. Brainstorm possible alternatives/solutions

4. Choose a possible solution

5. Implement the decision

6. Evaluation


What are 4 examples of defence mechanisms that occur in group development?

- withdrawing

- intellectualizing






