Identify Me
Fix Me
Separate Me (Into Groups)
Write With Me
Compare Me
What is a noun? Find the noun in the following sentences. Why is the silly student quickly running around the room? Five tired teachers slowly graded papers.
A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. student teachers
He plays and run as fast as he possibly could.
Correction- He plays and runs as fast as he possibly could. Improper Subject / Verb Agreement
What are the 8 parts of speech? Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, Prepositions, conjunctions, interjections
What are the 8 parts of speech? Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, Prepositions, conjunctions, interjections
How does a narrowing triangle help you choose a topic?
You start with a broad category and get more specific as you move down.
How are adjectives like adverbs and unlike adverbs?
Both give more details to modify a word. Adjectives modify nouns. Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
What is the subject of a sentence? What is the predicate? Find them both in the following sentence. My whole family came to dinner to celebrate my graduation.
Subject- What the sentence is about or who or what is performing the action. "My whole family" Predicate- The rest of the sentence that tells what the subject is or what they are doing. "came to dinner to celebrate my graduation."
Sarah raised their hand.
Improper Possessive Pronoun- Correction- Sarah raised her hand.
What two parts of speech do you need to make most simple sentences?
A noun and a verb.
Would idioms more likely be found in formal or informal speech?
What are the two types of conjunctions? How are they different?
Coordinating- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Subordinating- after, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even though, if, if only, rather than, since, that, though, unless, until, when, where, whereas, wherever, whether, which, and while. Establishes a relationship and turns the clause into something that depends on the rest of the sentence for its meaning.
What is a preposition? Identify the Preposition, the object of the preposition, and the prepositional phrase in the sentence below. The responsible student is studying at the table.
A preposition is a word that connects a noun or verb to a word that gives more information about it. Often time, place, or relationship.
I am so excited to get to go to Johns house tonight.
Possessive Nouns- I am so excited to get to go to John's house tonight.
What are the 5 types of nouns? Give an example of each.
Common / Proper the football player / Drew Brees Singular / Plural tree / trees mouse / mice Possessive Bob' s
What are similes, metaphors, and personification? Why should you use them?
They are all forms of figurative language. Similes and metaphors describe something by comparing it to something very different. Personification describes an inanimate object by giving it human characteristics. They can make your writing more interesting and descriptive.
How is formal voice like an informal voice? How are they different?
Both still usually use correct grammar and sentences to convey a message. Formal voice uses 3rd person, more complex words, and longer sentences. Informal voice is more like your speaking voice and uses idioms, contractions, and abbreviations.
What is a topic sentence? Identify the topic sentence below. What do you think the most important school subject is? I think that reading is the best thing to learn. Being a good reader can help you in every other subject. It also is the skill you will use most in your real life. Plus, reading new stories and poems can be really interesting. Overall reading is pretty awesome!
A topic sentence tells the reader the main idea of the paragraph. "I think that reading is the best thing to learn."
The Drama Company show was terrifying entertaining fun.
Commas with equal adjectives- The Drama Company show was terrifying, entertaining fun.
What are the 3 types of verbs? Give an example of each.
Helping- I am playing a game. Linking- The pie tastes funny. Action- She runs.
What are three types of graphic organizers that you can use in your writing? What step of the writing process uses graphic organizers?
Cause / Effect Chart, Venn Diagram, Persuasive, various others. You use a chart in the Brainstorming step.
How are compound and complex sentences alike and different?
Both usually have 2 clauses, a conjunction, and a comma. A compound sentence has two simple sentences or independent clauses. A complex has one independent clause and one dependent clause. A compound has a coordinating conjunction, complex has a subordinating conjunction.
What is wrong with the following paragraph? Basketball is my favorite sport. I have been playing since I was 8 years old. My whole family will play basketball at the park together. Soccer is pretty awesome too! Next year, I am planning on making my school's b-ball team, so I will need to practice hard over the summer. Playing a sport I love will make all the hard work of practicing my skills seems easy.
The sentence "Soccer is pretty awesome too." doesn't fit with the rest of the paragraph.
During this school year we have learned a lot.
Commas with Introductory Phrases- During this school year, we have learned a lot.
What are 5 types of pronouns? Give an example of each.
Subject I, he / Object me, him Singular I, she/ Plural us, them Possessive ours, theirs, his
How could you ask someone to stop doing something in formal and informal language? Who would you be talking to in each situation?
Ex- Informal- Sister "Stop touching my stuff!!! It's annoying." Ex- Formal- Coworker "It is hard for me to concentrate on my work when you are touching my paper. Could you please keep your hands on your own property.
Compare and contrast a preposition and the object of the preposition.
Both give more information about the main subject or main action in a sentence. Both are part of the prepositional phrase. The preposition is a connecting word. The object of the preposition gives the most information.