This is where the 1st verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet.
The Cave of Hira
Known as the birthplace of Coke-A-Cola, this city hosted the 1996 Summer Olympics.
After rubbing a magic lamp this character was given 3 wishes.
This sports company has the famous slogan "Just do it"
This is the total number of trustees and board members.
The treaty that granted peace between the Muslims of Medina and the Quraish.
The treaty of Hudaybiya
This city has hosted the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade for the past 100 years.
New York City
The name of the dragon that accompanied Mulan on her journey to save China.
This company is known for its luxury sunglasses and eyeglasses.
This member of DA was the one to propose the name of the Mosque.
Ali Zia Rizvi
This was the original name of the city of Medinah.
The largest city in Pakistan that also acts as its major seaport hub.
This is the 1st Disney Princess ever featured in an animated film.
Snow White
This car company holds the highest number of Formula 1 wins in history.
This is the year Dar-e-Abbas was founded.
Imam Husain a.s. sent this man to Kufa ahead of himself.
Muslim bin Aqeel
Instead of roads and cars, this European city uses canals and boats as its main use of transportation.
This is the name of Rapunzel’s pet chameleon in Tangled.
This watch company is known for its expert craftsmanship that are sold as a worldwide luxury item.
This was the first person to hold the president position at DA.
Dr. Mehdi Abeidi
This was the person who poisoned Imam Hussan a.s.
Ja'da bint al-Ash'ath
Once known as Constantinople this city is the gateway to both Asia & Europe.
This white rabbit from the movie "Alice in Wonderland" is seen carrying a stopwatch and saying "I'm late I'm late I'm very very late!"
White Rabbit
The most popular designer bag of all time.
This person delivered the 1st Muharum Ashra at Dar-e-Abbas.
Asad Yawar