Introduce Yourself
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Give an example of how you could introduce yourself to someone new.

"Hi, I'm ______", "My name is ______, nice to meet you", "Hello, I'm ______, what's your name?"

Introducing yourself can include a greeting or a question, and must always include your name.


Listening is important because:

a) It helps you learn

b) It helps you respond appropriately

c) Both a) and b)

c) Both a) and b). Listening when you are getting to know someone lets you learn about that person, and know how to respond when it's your turn to talk next. 


Choose a friend and ask them a question about food.

Examples: "What is your favourite food?", "Do you like tacos?", "What kind of pizza do you like best?"


Have you ever been on a vacation? 

Examples: "Yes, I went to ______ with _____"

"No, I've never been on vacation"


You should introduce yourself to:

a) Someone you've known a long time

b) Someone you're meeting for the first time

c) You should never introduce yourself

b) Someone you're meeting for the first time. When you've known someone for a long time, they already know who you are and you don't need to introduce yourself. When you meet someone new, they won't know your name until you tell them!


You and your friend Angela are talking about pizza. You both like pizza and eat it together all the time. Angela says, "I really don't like mushrooms on my pizza". What did you learn about Angela?

That she doesn't like mushrooms on her pizza. Listening for new information while you had a conversation let you learn about something your friend dislikes.


Choose a friend and ask them a question about movies.

Examples: "Have you seen any good movies lately?", "What is your favourite movie?", "My favourite movie is ______, do you like that one?"


What is your favourite thing about summer?

Examples: "I like the warm weather", "I like the sunshine", "I like going camping"


When a friend introduces you to new people, you should introduce yourself too. 

True or False?

False. If someone has already introduced you, you don't need to do it again. Example: I say, "Hey everyone, this is my friend Taylor", Taylor doesn't need to say, "Hi, my name is Taylor".

If I say: I have a dog named Bert. He's black and his collar looks like a bow tie. He got a haircut this week and now he looks so cute!

Who got a haircut?

a) I did

b) My brother did

c) My dog did

c) My dog did. I was talking about my dog Bert; if you listened to my other comments about Bert, you would know who I was talking about when I mentioned the haircut. Listening helps you to learn, understand, and respond appropriately. 


Choose a friend and ask them a question about music.

Examples: "What kind of music do you like?", "Do you like to dance?", "Have you ever been to a concert?"


If you could have any super power what would it be?

Examples: "I would want super speed", "It would be cool to be able to fly", "Controlling things with my mind would be awesome"