This invention encouraged Southerners to grow more cotton
What the cotton gin change the South?
This rush caused white miners to force nonwhites off their claims, miners deprived many Californios of their legal rights and their land, and miners hunted down and killed many Native Americans.
What were the effects of the gold rush on the population of California?
A convention to win for women the same rights as men
Why Elizabeth Cody Stanton and Lucretia Mott organize the Seneca Falls Convention?
The Supreme Court ruled he was not a U.S. citizen, went further and stated Congress could not ban slavery in new territories. This benefited the south overwhelmingly
What the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Dred Scott?
A great advantage in population, railroad mileage, manufacturing plants and manufacturing workers.
What four areas the North had as a big advantage over the south?
This Compromise maintained the balance of power between free and slave states.
Why was the Missouri Compromise so important to the nation?
Henry Thoreau
Who was a transcendentalist recommended nonviolent civil disobedience to express opposition to a law?
It was a declaration that demanded equal rights for women and in particular voting rights for women and was modeled after the Declaration of Independence
What was the Declaration of Sentiments and what document was it based on?
These debates centered on slavery.
What did Lincoln-Douglas debates centered on during there debates?
This sides strategy was to cut off the enemy's imports and exports with a naval blockade
What was the Northern strategy for winning the Civil War?
Jacksonian Democracy
What is the idea of spreading political power to the people and ensuring majority rule?
He supported public education
What Horace Mann called "the great equalizer"?
This compromise saw Congress admit California as a free state, pass a stronger law to recapture runaway slaves and ban the buying and selling of slaves in the nation's capital.
What were the effect(s) did the Compromise of 1850 have on slavery?
You should kill slave owners to eradicate slavery
What John Brown preached as a solution for slavery?
This side's strategy was to be defensive and hold out until the enemy grew tired of war and started to protest against it
What was the Confederate strategy for winning the Civil War?
Nullification is when a state refuses to comply with a federal law and secession is when a state leaves the nation
What is the difference between secession and the doctrine of nullification?
Dorothea Dix
Which reformer investigated and brought change in the living conditions of those who were suffering from a mental illness?
What Act repealed the Missouri Compromise and was supported by Southerners.
What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
They argued that since each state had voluntarily joined the Union, it had the right to leave the Union.
How did Southern leaders justify secession after the 1860 election of President Lincoln?
Ironclads, submarines and rifles
What are the 3 advancements in technology made the Civil War much deadlier than earlier American wars?
The belief that we were destined to rule the entire continent for the great experiment known as self-government and we were destined to rule the entire continent and expansion was not only good but bound to happen
What did the term manifest destiny mean to Americans?
William Lloyd Garrison
What is the name of this northern white abolitionist started an abolitionist newspaper called “The Liberator” and almost got hung for a speech that ended with “I will not retreat a single inch until slavery is ended and I will be heard”. Who was this northern white abolitionist?
The Act stated fugitives could be held without an arrest warrant, had no right to a trial by jury, federal commissioner ruled on each case and got 5 bucks for setting a fugitive free and 10 bucks for returning a fugitive.
What was the Fugitive Act of 1850?
Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri. They were important because they were slave states that bordered states in which slavery was illegal. Their location and resources they could tip the scales of war
What were the border states and why were they important?
President Lincoln's had protesters arrested, put in prison and suspended Habeas Corpus.
How did President Lincoln handle northern opposition to the war?