
1. 我是夜猫子 2.假装微笑 3.非常擅长“演戏” 4. 装出勇敢的样子 5. 性别刻板印象

1. I am a night owl. 2. Fake a smile 3.Be Remarkably good at acting 4.Put on a brave face 5.gender stereotype 


1.我总是久坐不动的。2.  耗时且费精力的 3. 有助于提升身体耐力和头脑伶俐 4. 提升免疫力 5. 打破生活的单调

1. I am inactive/sedentary. 2. time-consuming and exhausted 3. builds good physical stamina and mental agility 4. helps boost your immunity 5. break the monotony of their lives


1.早年培养责任感 2. 起鸡皮疙瘩 3. 对狗毛过敏 4.温顺的,无攻击性的 5.减少一次性餐具的使用

1.Cultivate a sense of responsibility from a young age 2.Get goosebumps 3.Be allergic to dog fur 4.docile/ not aggressive 5. Minimize the use of disposable tableware/cutlery


1.降噪功能 2. 阻挡我们的听感 3.虚拟社区 4. 鞋磨得脚疼 5.提升艺术品味

1.noise cancelling headphones 2.Block out our hearing senses 3.virtual community 4.My feet scream in pain. 5.improve aethetic taste


1.拥有精湛的园艺技能 2.吉祥的象征 3. 跨出你的舒适圈 4.感觉很惬意 5.后于你的原定计划

1. Have a green thumb 2.Auspicious symbol 3.step out of your comfort zone 4.feel like a million bucks 5.get lagged behind your schedule 


翻译以下句子:(1min prep)


 A shop assistant might smile and appear to be friendly to their customers but may be arrogant and unsociable outside of their workplace. So, we should never judge a book by it's cover.




Q1:To break the monotony they try to go beyond the conventional domain to add thrill and excitement to their lives.
Q2: This activity reduces the chances of any disease and keeps the person energetic. 


1. 我视我的宠物为朋友并且养它们能帮我舒缓负面情绪。

2. 我哥上班的时候目睹了一场车祸。他立刻将伤员移出车并叫了救护车。与此同时他还献了血。

1.I consider them human’s friends and keeping them as pets will help me release my negative emotions. 

2.My brother witnessed a car accident in front of his eyes when he was going to work. He immediately took an injured person out of the car and called the ambulance. At the same time,  He also donated blood for the person. 


1. 我担心在网上买东西会有色差,而且也不适合我的尺寸,所以我一般到实体店试穿后再买。

2. 在不久的将来,机器人将被用来代替人们做的最重、最危险的工作。工厂将完全自动化。

1. I'm worried about the color difference when I buy something online, and it doesn't fit my size, so I usually try them on in a physical store and then buy them.

2.In the near future, robots will be used to replace the heaviest and most dangerous jobs that people do. Factories will completely automate. 



2. 我不是一个懂花的专家,但是我还是可以提一些我喜欢的花如:玫瑰,百合,水仙,康乃馨,郁金香和向日葵。

1. It is worth taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zone to truly experience what life has to offer when our legs can still carry us rather than to regret in our later life. 

2. I am not an expert of flowers but anyway, let me mention my favorites such as roses, lilies, daffodils, carnations, tulips, and sunflowers.


Q&A 挑战:

Q1:What kind of accommodation do you live in?

Q2: Do people smile more when they are younger or older?

思路 Q1:可以说几间房间,几楼,都有什么家具,谁住,周边有什么 /可以描述装修风格(极简,温馨)墙面颜色,挂画,阳台,地下室等等

Q2:Y- free from stress (parents 替他们负重前行)--可转童年的语料 (纯粹无忧的时光,纯净的友情等等)


Q&A 挑战:

Q1:Why are there so few top athletes?

Q2:Are men more likely to do extreme sports than women?

思路:1. outstanding talents, fabulous coach, perseverence/strong will power, expensive training fees ---非每个人所能承受

2. x, gender stereotype, adventurous ---personal attribute; W on par with M


Q&A 挑战:

Q1:Have you ever had a pet when you were young?

Q2:Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?

思路:1. Y. 喂,训,遛,---陪伴,治愈,责任感

x, 繁琐(trivial and troublesome), 过敏(allergic), 不卫生 (unsanitary)

思路:2. Y.义务感 (a sense of obligation,提环境问题的严重 ;x, practially, 薪水问题,edu Background 不match 但力所能及,会做对环境有利的事比如: 节水,节电


Q1:What are the differences between the young and the old in their attitudes towards machines?

Q2:Do you prefer comfortable or good-looking shoes?

思路: 1. 老年人rigid, 越年长越不喜欢新科技(也有些例外)年轻人喜欢新奇的玩意,有FOMO的心态(举例)

2. 舒服的:经济适用,喜欢运动;好看的:搭配的一部分,设计师品牌,时尚向


Q1:Do you often buy more than you expected?

Q2:Have you sent flowers to anyone?

思路:Y.---自我反思,需要做budget plan, 也可以提具体买什么会超。



熟悉Part 2 挑战

Describe an occasion when many people were smiling --When it happened --Who you were with

思路:Q1:wedding, amusing talk show, party, taking a photo 均可,需注意开头和结尾点题


熟悉Part 2 挑战

Describe a famous athlete you know--Who he/she is--How you knew him/her--What he/she has achieved--And explain why he/she is famous

思路:Basketball player, hurdler---outstanding skills & achievements ---spirits you can learn from


熟悉Part 2 挑战

Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member--When it happened--Who the person is--What the person did--And explain why you felt proud of him/her

思路:1 可转小学崇敬的长辈话题---师长语料

2. 可描述课上讲的灾难现场救助一条龙的语料。


Part 2 Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home--What it is--How often you use it--With whom you use it--Why it is important

思路:vaccum cleaner, 购买经历,各种配件适合不同的场合,自从有了它帮家人省了很多力。


熟悉 Part 2:Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go--Who you would like to go with--Where you would like to go--When you would like to go--And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motorcycle/car

思路: 去xxx地方,接触自然,净化心灵,享受朋友的陪伴等


Part 2 挑战

Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn--When you learned it--Why you learned it--How you learned it--How you felt when you learned it

Q2:presentation--overcome stage fright

Taking a good photo, how to make a smart budget for Double 11, how to write a high quality essay, how to get more followers on Bilibili/Tiktok


Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try --What it is--What you need to prepare--How easy or difficult it is -- And explain why you want to try it

思路:jet skiing水上摩托,sailing,parasailing 水上拖拽伞,banana boat香蕉船---转为极限运动的语料(打破常规生活,增加刺激感,冒险,勇气,体现人征服自然等)

snorkeling 浮潜 ---看海底生物的体验,休闲,减压


Part 2 

Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn't like --When and where it happened--Who he/she was .--Why you didn't like this person--And explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion




Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading--When you read it--What kind of book it is--What it is about--And explain why you think it is exciting


Part 2

Describe a (jigsaw) puzzle--What it is like--How easy or difficult it is--How long it takes you to solve--And how you feel about it

思路:jigsaw puzzle of (名画,圣诞节主题),1000块,luminous at night, 先找相似的颜色分类,然后再拼,和朋友一起玩,解压,培养耐心,成就感,拼好后又是装饰品,让你记得某些特别的时光或故事。