Infection Control/Needlestick Prevention
Mandatory Reporting/Risk
Patient Experience

To prevent hospital acquired infection, this should be used with every patient every time….

What is Standard Precautions? or What is hand hygiene?


This is the on-line system at BHH used to report patient and facility incidents, including near-miss events.

What is RL Solutions, or RL?


This tool is used by clinicians and patients alike to determine serum blood glucose levels

What is a glucose meter or monitor?


Everyone is responsible for this when we have unhappy customers.

What is Service Recovery?


You would use this acronym during a fire to help respond safely and correctly to the event.

What is RACE?


Staying alive

What is a song with correct tempo to deliver adequate compression rate (100-120)



What is performed to prevent infection spread


2 types of mandated reporters for suspected abuse or neglect of an adult who is considered either incapacitated or dependent.

Who is _____ and _______? (any two of the following): Nurse CNA Physician or Physician Assistant Pharmacist Social Worker Case Manager PT/OT/ST Unlicensed assistive personnel Note: Any health care provider acting in a professional capacity, who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect abuse/neglect or exploitation in an adult who is incapacitated or dependent is required to report immediately!


E11.9 NIDDM or IDDM.

What diagnosis is needed on the prescription when ordering DM supplies. 


This is made the first seven (7) seconds of meeting someone.

What is a first impression?


This code is used during a possible confrontation by an individual brandishing a weapon or one who has taken hostages within BHH or its properties.

What is Code Silver?


The first thing you do on approaching a victim. Looking around to ensure there is nothing around that might cause you harm before you start anything. Examples could be; electrical wires, fire, careening cars, snarling dogs, and weapons.

What is confirm the scene is safe?


Be prepared – Anticipate injury risks. Prepare the patient and organize the work area with prevention in mind. Be aware – Keep exposed sharps in view and under your control. Visually inspect for unprotected sharps in trays, beds and waste receptacles. Dispose with care – Be responsible for the sharps you use. Activate safety features. Dispose in sharps containers.

What is "Sharps Safety"?


This is the program we utilize and train staff on hire, and annually with skills fairs to help remind us of safe or no lifting, equipment we can use to assist us and requires we have hands-on experience.

What is Safe Patient Handling?


Improved patient satisfaction, superior accuracy for delivering small doses of insulin, greater social acceptability and less reported injections pain.

What are some advantages of choosing an insulin pen over a traditional vial-syringe-needle method of delivery?


This leads to snap judgements, patient's shutting down, poor compliance, poor communication and distrust.

What is interrupting?


This report shall be filled out after any occurrence which results in or could have resulted in injury to an employee.

What is an Employee Accident/incident report?


A way to ensure you are delivering effective breaths when using an ambu-bag.

What is watching for chest rise with breaths?


15 seconds

What is the minimum time needed to wash or gel your hands?


If child abuse is suspected even if there is no actual proof that is occurring.

When is child abuse reporting mandatory?


An A1c result of 6.5 or greater.

What is a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus?


Provider listening to me; Provider Explaining things in a way I can understand, and Provider showed respect for what I had to say. 

What are the 3 Key Performance Indicator questions we measure for the provider practices.


You would use this program to log a medical device malfunction, medical supplies issue or a patient accident/incident.

What is RL Solutions?

Don't forget to fill out a Bio-Med or Maintenance work order as well and red-tag the equipment and place out of service.


This can eliminate an abnormal heart rhythm, in fact, it can restore a normal heart rhythm.

What is rapid defibrillation with an AED?


Utilizing a tissue, or turning into upper arm, rather than into ones hands.

What is cough etiquette?


Gunshot wounds, all animal bites, child abuse and elder abuse.

What are types of cases that mandate notification?


The proof you need to print and send to Nan Boutin showing you have completed this module. Feel free to go ahead and finish the game however, see what you know. :)

What is this certificate?

Using print screen, or the snipping tool grab a screen shot of this page, write your name on it, and scan or interoffice mail to Nan Boutin.

Jeopardy Completion for Skills Fair 2020


This leads to better understanding of information and allows the patient to demonstrate or verbalize back to you what you just taught them.

What is Teach Back?


This is Blue Hill Hospital’s safety officer.

Who is Larry Merritt?


Assessing need, calling for help, asking for an AED, having someone call 911, beginning chest compressions. 

What is a typical response to a Code Blue Medical Emergency?


The proper process if patient comes to their appointment and they are coughing and/or sneezing repeatedly (they look ill, URI).

What is offer a mask, and promptly get the patient roomed, out of the waiting room area?


This is Blue Hill's Risk Manager

Who is Alison Billings


What is 70 units drawn into a syringe?


This prompts patients to provide more information, creates a connection between you and the patients, demonstrates caring, diffuses highly emotional responses and helps ensure the patient is ready to listen to you.

What is Empathy?


Gloves, gowns, masks, wye goggles, face shields, PAPRs, N-95 are examples of this.

What is PPE, personal protective equipment?


This action, is the first thing you do when your AED arrives.

What is turn it on?