travelling by plane
travelling by car
win 100 points!
This is the easier exercise I have ever answered!
the easiest instead easier
lose 100 points :(
What is the most visited country? (build a sentence)
a. China
b. Mexico
c. Italy
d. France
steal 100 from another team.
Eating at home
Eating at a restaurant
lose 50 points! :(
I´ve got fewer experience in Maths than in Physics.
less instead fewer
steal 100 points!
What is the most populated city of the world?
(build a sentence)
a. Tokyo, Japan
b. Delhi, India
c. Shangai, China
d. Mexico city, Mexico
Tokyo, Japan (more than 37 millions)
Lose 300!
Build a comparative sentence that contains...
Prefer + to + verb
double your points!
I want to stay home tonight to go out.
rather than instead to
win 200!
What is the most spoken language?
(build a sentence)
a. English
b. Mandarin
c. Spanish
d. French
Stael 200 from a team
Build a sentence that contains...
adjective + enough
steal 100 from another team!
Mexican food is enough varied to eat differently everyday of the year.
varied enough
swap your points with another team.
What is the most eaten food around the world?
(build a sentence)
a. potatoes
b. chicken
c. rice
d. wheat
steal 100 from 2 teams
Build a sentence that contains ...
more or less + than
win 150 points
Netflix is one of some of the most popular streaming platforms to watch series.
you use:
One of
win 200 points
What is the most popular ice-cream flavor around the world?
(build a sentence)
a. chocolate
b. cookies and cream
c. strawberry
d. vanilla
lose 200 :(