Context Clues
Main Idea
Making Inferences
Drawing Conclusions
The rays from the rising sun shone *splendidly* through our window. -- The word *splendidly* most nearly means...a)beautifully...b)dim...c) ugly...d)rudely
What is A. Beautifully?
Most snakes live in tropical areas that are hot and moist. They also live in forests, prairies and deserts. There are no snakes in Antarctica, Iceland or Ireland. -- A question that best fits the supporting details of this paragraph might be...a) What do snakes look like?...b) How do snakes eat their food?...c) Where do snakes live?
What is c) Where do snakes live?
Brent’s baseball team was about to play in the Championship Game! Brent’s hands were sweating as he warmed up. What if he messed up the game for everybody? ---- How is Brent feeling? How do you know?...a) excited...b) angry...c) vivacious...d) nervous
What is What is d. nervous? Brent was nervous about messing up in his team's Championship Game + personal experience of pressure in important situations
The mouse ran for the mouse hole. The cat was right behind her. The cat jumped. He almost got her tail. She made it to the hole just in time. The cat looked around but he could not find the mouse! -- The sentence which best summarizes the story is...a) The mouse gets away from a cat...b) The mouse builds a mouse hole....c) The cat is confused.
What is a) The mouse gets away from a cat?
"I want candy!" Delaney shouted as loudly as she could. "I want it, I want it, I want it!" The other shoppers stopped to stare. Delaney's mother picked her up and carried her out to the car. -- The best conclusion for how old Delaney is...a) one...b) three...c) nine.
What is b) three?
On the way to her room after just having been grounded, Tammy *murmured* something under her breath. -- The word *murmured* most nearly means...a) screamed...b) sang...c) slipped...d)whispered
What is D. whispered?
The thick, white coat of an Arctic fox has two important jobs. First, it keeps the fox warm in freezing temperatures. Second, it helps the fox to blend into the snowy landscape so that it can hide from predators and sneak up on prey without being seen....The main idea of this passage is most likely...a) Arctic foxes have thick coats...b) Arctic foxes blend into the snowy landscape...c) The thick, white coat of an Arctic fox has two important jobs.
What is c) The thick, white coat of an Arctic fox has two important jobs?
The scout leader looked at the sky and muttered something under his breath. Then he looked at the map. "Let's get moving," he called to the group of tired boys. "The faster the better." -- Make an inference. The scout leader was feeling...a) The scout leader was feeling worried because he thought a storm was coming...b) The scout leader was tired and wanted to quit the trip...c) The scout leader was excited about the trail they were about to encounter.
What is a) The scout leader was feeling worried because he thought a storm was coming?
If you didn't have bones, you would be more like a beanbag than a person. Your bones have two main purposes. First, they give your body structure so you can stand and move. Second, they protect soft organs like your heart and your lungs. When you grow up, your body will have 206 bones to do these jobs. -- The statement that gives the best summary is...a) You have bones in your body...b) Your body will have 206 bones which help give your body structure...c) Bones give your body structure and protect your internal organs.
What is c) Bones give your body structure and protect your internal organs?
Jase had been working on his costume for weeks. He found a huge box and put lots of buttons and switches on it. He practiced making beeping and buzzing sounds, and made sure to walk without bending his arms and legs. ---- You can logically guess that Jase…a) thought he was too old for Halloween...b) wasn’t very creative...c) was going to be a robot for Halloween...d) only went trick or treating for the candy.
What is c) Jase was going to be a robot for Halloween?
The cat *scuttled* quickly around the room without lying down at all. -- The word *scuttled* most nearly means...a)walked...b) crawled...c) ran...d) snuck
What is C. ran?
Read the paragraph and decide the best title for this selection......Labrador retrievers are very popular dogs. They are friendly, loyal, and eager to please. Also, Labradors are very intelligent and are very easy to train. Because of this, Labradors are sometimes used as guide dogs, rescued dogs, and as a helper while hunting. A Labrador is a great type of dog to have as a pet. -- An appropriate title for this passage might be...a) Fear of Dogs...b) Intelligent Pooches...c) Labrador Retrievers...d) Hunting and Rescue Dogs
What is What is c. Labrador Retrievers?
Splat! "Oh, rats!" thought Katie as she stooped to clean up the mess. " I hope we have another one." She looked in the fridge and pulled out the carton. One left! Breakfast wasn't ruined after all! -- What did Katie break and clean up? How do you know?...Katie most likely...
What is Katie cleaned up a broken egg?
It is important to recycle paper, bottles, cans, and plastic containers instead of throwing them away. Recycling keeps garbage out of landfills and saves electricity because it takes less electricity to make products from recycled materials than it does from scratch. Recycling just one soda can saves enough electricity to power a light bulb for 4 hours. ---- The statement which best summarizing this passage is...a) Recycling keeps garbage out of landfills and saves electricity because it takes less electricity to make products from recycled materials.... b)Making products from recycled materials saves electricity... c) It is important to recycle paper, bottles, cans, and plastic containers instead of throwing them away.
What is b) Making products from recycled materials saves electricity?
Cason’s brother Mark was sick for Halloween. He had to stay home and in bed. Every time Cason went to a house to trick or treat, he would put half of the candy in his bag and the other half in a bag for his brother. -- You can guess that Cason…a) didn’t like candy...b) was on a diet...c) didn’t like his brother...d) was generous.
What is d) Cason was generous?
I *meandered* through the woods taking my time exploring. -- The word *meandered* most nearly means...a) hurried...b) ran...c) wandered...d)jogged
What is C. wandered?
Christopher Paolini was just 15 years old when he wrote the first draft to the fantasy book "Eragon". His parents helped him to self-publish and to promote the book in schools and libraries. Three years later, Knopf Books for Young Readers asked Christopher's family if they could publish the book. Today, "Eragon" is a best seller! --- The main idea of this selection is most likely...a) Christopher Paolini wrote Eragon...b) Christopher Paolini become an author at a young age....c) "Eragon" was published by Knopf Books for Young Readers.
What is b) Christopher Paolini become an author at a young age?
Carlos looked down at the people far below. It was a little scary to be so high, but he knew he was safe. The sun felt hot. Carlos decided to buy a snow cone when he was on the ground again. -- Where is Carlos? How do you know?...Carlos is most likely...
What is Carlos was on the Ferris Wheel or a rollercoaster at an amusement park or fair?
The pictures on your computer screen are made from millions of tiny dots of light called pixels. Each pixel contains three colors: red, blue, and green. Together, these three colors make all the other colors. The pixels are arranged in different ways to make the pictures that you see on your screen. -- The best summary for this passage is...a) Computer screens use millions of tiny pixels to make pictures...b) Pixels are little dots of light made from red, blue, and green...c) Pixels are arranged in different ways to make the pictures you see on your screen.
What is a) Computer screens use millions of tiny pixels to make pictures?
Ava walked slowly down the dark street, jumping at every sound. As she passed a large, abandoned house she heard strange moans and creaking. Ava ran home and fearfully told her parents about the noises she’d heard. She didn’t know her brother was standing outside laughing. ---- You can draw the conlusion that…a) Ava made up the whole story...b) Ava was very brave...c) Ava’s brother was trying to scare her...d) the old house was haunted.
What is c) Ava’s brother was trying to scare her.
The girl *languidly* put on her jacket as if she had no energy at all. -- The word *languidly* most nearly means...
What is energy-less?
(Find the sentence that doesn't support the main idea.)...The United States of America has 50 states. Only 48 of the states are considered to be a part of the contiguous United Sates. Canada is a country above the United States. Since Alaska and Hawaii are separated from the rest of the United States, they are not considered to be a part of the contiguous United States. However, they are still a part of our country!
What is "Canada is a country above the United States"?
Mary was very proud of her garden. She'd planted the seeds early in the spring and tended to the plants every day since then. She pulled the weeds so they'd have lots of space. She knew that the plants needed plenty of water, so she watered them every day too....Last Saturday her friend Pam called early in the morning and invited Mary to spend the day at the mall. They left early and spent the day there, even taking in a movie. Pam then invited Mary to sleep over Saturday night too, and she happily accepted...When Mary arrived home on Sunday afternoon, her beautiful plants were bent and drooping. -- Make an inference. The plants were drooping because... Clues that helped my make this inference include...
What is Mary hadn't watered the plants?...The plants needed a lot of water. This we can tell because she watered them everyday so they were healthy. It only took a short time for the flowers to start drooping.
A football is sometimes called a pigskin. That is because footballs used to be made from the bladders of pigs! Pig bladders can be blown up with air and are tough enough to handle being kicked and thrown without breaking. Today's footballs are made from rubber or cowhides. -- The best 12 words or less summary of this selection is...
What is Footballs used to be made from pig bladders?
Uncle Joe was always playing practical jokes when the family got together. One year he put a whoopee cushion on Grandma’s seat. Another year he served plastic dinner rolls. This year when Jessie took a bite of her potatoes after sprinkling them with salt, she exclaimed, “These are gross! They are sweet!” -- You can draw the conclusion that... Explain your thoughts...
What is Uncle Joe switched the salt for sugar on the table?