Social Self-Care
Mental Self-Care
Emotional Self-Care

Connecting with people, talking, getting to know people, attending get togethers

What is socialization?


Mental self-care involves finding things that keep your mind sharp, as well as nurturing and taking care of your mind. True or False? 

TRUE! It is important to keep your mind active and also take care of your mind.


Being present in the moment, reducing stress and improving emotional well-being and regulation

What is mindfulness? 


a network of people who provide an individual with something practical or emotional.

What is a support system?


A person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems.

What is a counselor or therapist?


Emotional self-care is a lifelong process. True or False?

TRUE! In fact, all of these forms of self-care are lifelong. 


Building this is a result of being social and feeling secure about yourself in social settings.

What is confidence?


The term used to describe the balance that an individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of life.

What is work-life balance?


Asking for this is something people can do when they really need it. 

Help. Everyone should be able to ask for help and support when they need it. It is essential for your emotional well-being, especially those in recovery. 


Socialization/Connection is a basic human need. True or False?

TRUE! Being social is something all humans need to thrive.


Having self-compassion means being kind to....

YOURSELF! This is when you are being gentle, kind and loving to yourself, especially in hard times.


Headaches, indigestion, weight gain or loss, skin problems, or teeth grinding; Excessive focus on a particular concern; Body tension

What are examples of stress?


Communicate your needs and limits clearly to others

What is Boundaries


_______ exercises are a great tool for calming your mind and body.

Breathing exercises


It is important to ______ your feelings and emotions instead of ignore them. 

Acknowledge, name, understand