trading info
social anxiety
group conversations

When dating somebody do you make you pay for the food or does your date pay?

You pay for the food if your date allows and if your date wants to pay they'll pay for both meals. 


when Trading info 

when is the worst time to trade information? 

A. when your in a shopping mall

B. when you are driving and trying to text 

you can only Pick 1 


when spreading a rumor 

what will you say first?

A. say " yes I did that!!! omg its me its me"

B. say "no I didn't do that, Id never do that"

pick 1 only  


when you have social anxiety 

what ways can you help yourself 

A. Make yourself more social 

B. force yourself to like others 

C. Hide and don't come out at all 

D. make yourself look known 

pick 1 only 


when having a group conv.

what is the best way to enter? 

enter, calmly and relaxed and 

make sure you have common interests 


When dating somebody 

is it a smart idea to kiss them the first date?

No, Ask them kindly then if the say yes, them you can kiss them 

as before you kiss them too! 


when Trading info 

when should you chat with your friend?

A. during recess time 

B. When you have free time and aren't busy 

Pick 1 only 


when spreading a rumor 

when will you spread the rumor?

A. when people are around you 

B. when you can tell a friend 

C. when there is group of young kids around 

Pick 1 only 


what will not help you when you have social anxiety?

A. yelling and making a scene

B. creating problems for others 

C. screaming and throwing your down in a mall 

D. Throwing a fit and being really annoying 


when having a group conv. 

what is the best way to make new friends?

Say Hi I'm Kira 

and introduce yourself 

then say do you want to be friends 

and make sure you have common interests 


on a date should you make plans or should your date make the plans? 

You both should make plans together because your together and your now a couple. 


when trading info 

what is the worst place to trade information?

A. when your in a car 

B. when your about to have death 

C. when your too busy to text and trade 

D. your too busy for anything 

Pick 1 only


what rumors are Good? 

A. "look a that, she's so ugly" 

B. "why would anyone care about her"

C. "she needs to get a life before she shakes my hand?  

D. "OMG she is totally going to make me cringe"


what should you do if your really scared of others?

A. not go outside 

B. look for friends that have common interests

C. look for people that like you 

D. make yourself look smart but, your not 


What's the best way to exit a group conversation?

''I gotta make dinner. See you later!''

''I gotta go. My dog is going to be late for dinner.''


when dating somebody 

how should you react to your date ignoring you?

keep your cool and ask why are the ignoring you 

and make sure that they feel accepted 

and not rejected 


when trading info 

why might people trade info?

1. they want to make friends 

2. they are depressed 

3. they need a buddy 24/7 

4. they want to make friends and enjoy there life

Pick 1 only 


when spreading a rumor 

what are Good comebacks?

A. who cares about it 

B. why would anyone do that 

C. what, I didn't know that 

D. she/he is totally overrated 


when having social anxiety what should you do?

1. keep your cool 

2. show off your skills 

3. keep calm and don't do anything 

4. try to keep calm when your really not 

5. try not to embarrass yourself in front of others  


What's the best way to not make friends in a group conversation?

''I hate you. You're so mean.''

''You're really annoying. I don't want to hang out with you.''

''I don't want to be friends with you because you don't like the same things I like.''


if Ms Hart Has a crush on a Mr Bush 

what should she say to him? 

1. "hey baby your so cute u wanna hang out?"

2. "Hi I really like you, you want to hang out?"

Pick only 1 


when trading info 

why might people not want to trade there info?

A. there too worried that something will go wrong 

B. they just don't know what to say 

C. they don't know how to make friends

Pick 1


when trading info 

what would help the rumor?

A. make the rumor worse than is 

B. move on and don't tell anyone 

C. tell a whole crowd of people

D. keep the rumor a secret from yourself 

Pick 1 only 


what is the worst way to avoid others?

A. hide your face 

B. hide yourself behind others 

C. don't show up to the party 

D. keep your ID low profile

E. show like you care but, start crying 


What should you do if you're not accepted into a group conversation?

Keep your cool

Look away

Turn away

Walk away  and  ignore them