Predicting Outcomes
Initiating Conversation
Describing Objects
Problem Solving

"In the quiet little town of Maplewood, a young girl named Lily discovered a mysterious key while playing in her garden. It was old and rusty, with intricate designs etched into its surface. Lily picked it up and wondered what it could unlock. She glanced around her garden, looking for anything that seemed out of place."
Question: What do you think the key might unlock?

The key might unlock an old shed in the garden, a treasure chest, or a hidden door in her house.


"At the school lunch table, a new student sat alone."
Question: What could you say to initiate a conversation with the new student?

"Hi! I’m [Your Name]. What’s your name? How are you finding our school so far?"


"The shiny red apple sat on the table."
Question: What are two descriptors you could use for the apple?

"Juicy" and "crisp."


Passage: "She wanted to go to the park."
Question: How would you use "because" to make a complete sentence about her desire to go?

 "She wanted to go to the park because it was a sunny day."


"A child lost their favorite toy at the park."
Question: What is a realistic problem they need to solve?

The child needs to find a way to locate their toy or ask for help from a parent or park staff.


"During the championship basketball game, the Maplewood Eagles were down by two points with only ten seconds left on the clock. The star player, Jake, received the ball and dribbled down the court. The crowd was on their feet, cheering loudly. With only seconds to spare, he spotted his teammate open near the three-point line."
Question: What do you think will happen next in the game?

Jake might pass the ball to his teammate for a three-point shot, or he could try to take a shot himself to win the game.


"You see a neighbor gardening and want to chat."
Question: What question might you ask to start a conversation about their garden?

"Your garden looks amazing! What kind of flowers are you planting?"


"The old wooden chair creaked as someone sat down."
Question: List four descriptors for the chair.

"Worn," "sturdy," "rustic," and "comfortable."


"He finished his homework."
Question: Create a sentence using "after" that describes what he did next.

"After he finished his homework, he went outside to play."


"You forgot to do your homework."
Question: What is one step you could take to brainstorm a solution?

One step could be to think about how to explain the situation to the teacher and possibly ask for an extension.


"After a fun-filled day at the beach, where they splashed in the waves and built sandcastles, Lily and her friends decided to add the finishing touches to their masterpiece. As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, they stepped back to admire their work. However, they remembered that the tide would come in soon."
Question: What might happen to the sandcastle when the tide comes in?

The sandcastle might get washed away by the rising tide, or it could be partially destroyed by the waves.


"You’re in line at the coffee shop and notice someone reading a book you love."
Question: What could you say to engage them in a conversation?

"I see you’re reading [Book Title]. I loved that book! What do you think of it so far?"


"The fluffy kitten played with a ball of yarn."
Question: How can you use your senses to describe the kitten?

"It is soft and warm to the touch, has a playful demeanor, and makes gentle purring sounds."


"The dog barked loudly."
Question: Write a sentence using "before" that tells what happened prior to the barking.

"Before the dog barked loudly, a stranger walked by the house."


"There’s a big test coming up, but you haven’t studied."
Question: How can you make a "smart guess" about how to prepare quickly?

You could focus on reviewing the most important topics, using study guides, or practicing with classmates to maximize your study time.


"Dr. Anderson had spent years researching a cure for a rare disease. After countless experiments, she finally had breakthrough results. Excited to share her findings, she prepared for the big presentation at the national conference. As she stood in front of the audience, she could see the curiosity in their eyes, but she also felt a wave of nerves wash over her."
Question: What do you predict will be the reaction of the audience to her presentation?

The audience might react positively, expressing interest and asking questions, or they could be skeptical and want more evidence before believing her claims.


"During a group project, you notice a classmate seems quiet."
Question: How can you initiate a conversation to encourage them to share their ideas?

"Hey, I noticed you’ve been a bit quiet. What do you think about our project topic? I’d love to hear your thoughts!"


"A classic red bicycle leaned against the fence, its paint slightly chipped from years of use."
Question: Describe the bicycle using four descriptors.  

"Vintage," "sturdy," "slightly rusty," and "charming."


"They decided to stay home."
Question: How can you use "so" to explain their decision?

"They decided to stay home so they could watch their favorite movie together."


"A friend is upset because they didn’t make the team."
Question: Describe a time you identified a problem and brainstormed a solution for a friend.

I once helped a friend who was upset about not making the team by encouraging them to talk to the coach for feedback and to try out for another team next season.


"As dark storm clouds rolled in, the group of hikers found themselves at a fork in the trail. They had planned to continue to the summit, but the wind began to pick up, and rain started to fall. They knew they had to make a decision quickly: should they press on or turn back to safety? Each member of the group had their own opinion."
Question: What do you think they will decide to do next?  

They might decide to turn back to avoid getting caught in the storm, or some may insist on continuing if they think the storm will pass quickly.


"You attend a community event and want to meet new people."
Question: Describe how you would introduce yourself and start a conversation.

"Hi, I’m [Your Name]. I’m new to this community event. What brings you here today? Have you been to these events before?"


"A beautiful sunset painted the sky in shades of orange and pink."
Question: Create a list of four descriptors for the sunset.

"Breathtaking," "vibrant," "tranquil," and "colorful."


"She loves to paint."
Question: Write a sentence using "because" to explain why she spends time painting.

"She loves to paint because it allows her to express her creativity."


"You have a group project due, but your group can’t agree on a topic."
Question: How can predicting the consequences of choosing a topic help your group make a decision?

Predicting the consequences can help the group understand which topic will engage everyone, lead to a successful project, and allow everyone to contribute effectively.