to do things in the wrong order
put the cart before the horse
"Be curious, not _____________."
~ Walt Whitman
"Be curious, not judgmental."
~ Walt Whitman
The doctor will see you soon, but for now, just stay in the waiting room and be patient.
What is sit tight?
Don’t put all your ___ in one basket.
This is an idiom used to indicate that someone is feeling sick or unwell.
What is under the weather?
to use one's influence
pull (some) strings
Who said the following: “Impossible, is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It is a dare."
Muhammad Ali
Emily is an expert at gardening—her plants always look amazing!
What is green thumb?
When you make a mistake, you have to face ___.
the music
Her positive attitude was a ___________________ in the otherwise stressful office.
breath of fresh air
to risk all one has on the success or failure of one thing
put all one's eggs in one basket
"Your self-worth is determined by ____. You don't have to depend on someone telling you who you are."
~ Beyoncé
After weeks of arguing, Maria and her best friend finally had an honest conversation about their feelings.
What is heart to heart?
She has no secrets. She is an ___________!
open book
"pies en la tierra"
What is down to earth?
to give or spend money or take some action in order to do or support something that one has been talking about
put one's money where one's mouth is
“I'm glad I understand that while language is a gift, ________ is a responsibility."
~ Nikki Giovanni
What is listening?
After his laptop was stolen, he had to start the project all over again.
What is start from scratch?
If you read ________, you will understand that he is upset.
between the lines
This is an idiom used to refer to the place or area where someone lives/is from.
What is neck of the woods?
to start or do something that will cause/lead to many other problems or troubles
Pandora's box
Martin Luther King Jr. said that "faith is ___________________ even when you can't see the whole staircase."
What is "taking the first step"?
Mike is incredibly smart, but he never interacts with people outside of his research lab.
What is Ivory tower?
His performance was just so good! It is going to be a _________________.
hard act to follow
This idiom means "a peace offering."
What is olive branch?