Body Language
Conversation Skills
Zoom Skills

What would you assume about someone if they were sitting slouched over and looking at the ground?

I would assume that they are feeling bad or sad about something.


How do you know when you can add a comment to a conversation?

When there is a pause - an opening to jump in.


When you are in a group, where should your body be facing when there is a conversation?

Your body should be facing the speaker.


How do you know someone is your friend?

They are a friend if they seem to enjoy being around you and ask to do things with you


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What should you do if your brother is singing in the same room as you during a Zoom meeting?

Mute yourself, ask your brother if he could sing in another room, move to a quieter space


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What would you assume if your friend kept looking at the clock while you were talking?

I would assume that I am talking too long or he needs to go somewhere.


If you just joined a group talking about their favorite football teams, what might you say?

You could add a comment about one of the teams they are talking about or you could mention your favorite team.


How does a speaker know you are listener?

By looking at you.  You should be looking at the speaker and your body should be facing them.


You and a friend are playing AmongUs and you both want to be red. Should you:

a) Tell them you won't play with them if they won't let you be red

b) Flip a coin to decide who gets to be red, and switch colors for the next round

c) Call the police and make them decide who should be red

b) Flip a coin to decide who gets to be red and switch colors for the next round


What should you do if another student in Zoom is being too loud?

Turn down your computer volume, ask them nicely if they could mute themselves, message the teacher 


What does it mean when someone is rolling their eyes while listening to a friend talk?

It might mean that he doesn't believe what the friend is saying. (It also is not a very nice behavior to do when a friend is talking.)


Someone in your class is showing off their new haircut, but you think it makes their head look funny. Should you say that?

No, your classmate likes the way that they look with their new haircut. Telling them that you think their head looks funny would not be kind, and could hurt their feelings. 


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: When do you know it's your turn to make a comment?

a) When there is a pause in the conversation

b) It's always my turn to comment because everything I say is the most important

c) It doesn't matter, I just have to be the loudest person speaking

a) When there is a pause in the conversation.


True or False: it's appropriate to laugh at someone when they answer a question incorrectly in class



You can't find the worksheet that you need for class. Should you:

a) Log off of Zoom and take rest day

b) Ask your mom if she has seen the worksheet

c) Don't tell anyone, just pretend to be working

b) Ask your mom if she has seen the worksheet. 

If you're having a difficult time with anything during Zoom you can always ask a grown-up for help.  


What could you assume if someone's cheeks are turning red as they're speaking?

You can assume that they are feeling shy or embarrassed. 


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: If your friend is talking about a singer that you hate, should you say that?

A nicer way to interact would be just to acknowledge what they are saying but you don't need to say you hate that singer.


Why should you not be looking at your cell phone when in a group conversation?

Because it looks like you are not listening. (You probably aren't if you are on your cell phone.)


Should your friend do 'everything' with you?

No, often people have more than one friend and they may want to spend time with other people too.  


You're having a really hard time with Zoom today. Everything you're learning is way too hard and you're having trouble hearing the teacher. What can you do to make yourself feel better?

Try taking deep, calming breaths

Tell your teacher you're having a hard time and need a short break


What might you assume when sitting in a group and one person has her legs crossed and her arms crossed?

It might mean that she is uncomfortable with the conversation or with the group.


What could you say or do to include a quiet friend in a group conversation?

You could turn to that friend and say 'what do you think?' This always him an opportunity to speak.


What could you do if it looks like no one is listening while you are talking?

Stop and read the situation. Sometimes if you've spoken for too long or spoken too much about one topic other people can lose interest. Other times, they may be distracted by something else going on around you. 


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What would you do if your 'friend' is always making jokes about you and laughing at you with other friends?

Maybe it would be best to not be around that person anymore.  That behavior is not friend behavior and no one needs to tolerate that.


You feel something uncomfortable in your nose. Should you:

a) Stick your finger in there and get it out!

b) Raise your hand and tell the teacher that you think your nose is falling off

c) Grab a tissue and try to blow your nose off camera 

c) Grab a tissue and try to blow your nose off camera