Protecting yourself from germs and bacteria
What is Body Substance Isolation (BSI)
Your first responsibility at any scene is
What is Scene Safety.
The bluish, gray skin coloring on patients lips or nails
What is Cyanosis
How many chambers does the heart have
What is 4
List 2 ways to open the mouth to assure an airway
What is Head tilt chin lift, and jaw thrust
Brusing behind the patients ear
What is Battle Signs
What is the main type of PPE you will apply before you get on scene
What is gloves
Pulse, blood pressure, respiration, and relative skin temperature
What are vital signs.
How many sections does the spine have
What is 5
To prevent injury when lifting you should
What is lift with your legs
Brusing around the patients eyes
What is racoon eyes
There are four general levels of EMS training and certification.
What is First Responder, EMT-B, AEMT, Paramedic
What is the average respiratory rate for an adult
What is 12 to 20 times per minute
What are the 4 quadrants of the abdomen called
What is Left Upper, Right Upper, Left Lower, Right Lower
The first action that an EMT would take when coming upon an unconscious person.
What is determine responsiveness
What causes racoon eyes
What is basal skull fracture (blunt force head trauma)
Leaving a patient before turning him or her over to someone of the same or higher level of care
What is Abandonment
The type of bleeding that is bright red and spurting
What is arterial bleeding
Name the 5 sections of the spine
What is servical thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyx.
The air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange with the bloodstream takes place.
What is alveoli
Dull pain near the navel or abdomen that becomes sharp as it moves to the lower right abdomen
What is appendicitis
Allows you to treat a unconscious patient
What is implied consent?
The organ that can be injured from a sharp blow to the back.
What is the Kidney
Name the chambers of the heart
What is right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, and left ventricle.
Splint used to treat a suspected femur fracture
What is traction splint