In Mosiah 18:9 Alma taught that we should "bear one anothers________, to mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that stand in need of comfort"
What month and year did the Branch switch from the Madison, Wisconsin stake to the Cedar Rapids, Iowa Stake
November 2021
What temple was being built when the Relief Society was organized.
Nauvoo Temple
What is the Relief Society motto?
"Charity never Faileth"
Who was a Jewish Queen of Persia?
How often are ministering interviews conducted?
Quarterly/Every three months
What is the address of the Prairie du Chien Branch building?
1706 S. Wacouta, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
Who was the first Relief Society President?
Emma Smith
What are the Relief Society Colors?
Blue and Gold
Who was a witness of Christ, at the temple, when he was just a baby.
At what age do young women and young men receive ministering assignments?
Beginning in January of the year they turn 14
How many Branch Presidents has the Prairie du Chien Branch had?
4 - Tim Fitzner, Tim Oesterle, Ben Johnston, Scott Koether
What date was the Relief Society officially organized?
March 17, 1842
What is the Relief Society emblem?
The Sego Lily/Wheat Sheaf? (The sego lily was selected because of its usefulness in sustaining life along pioneer settlements. It is an appropriate symbol of purity, beauty, patience through winter and darkness, and storing of strength for the time of blossoming. The wheat sheaf has been used as an emblem along with the sego lily, symbolizing storing of grain against time of need.)
Who was Isaac’s wife, the mother of Esau and Jacob?
What year was Visiting Teaching changed to Ministering?
April 2018
How many stakes has this branch been a part of?
These circumstances initiated the organization of the RS. It was the desire of the sisters to do this.
To make work clothes for the men working on the Temple.
Who is in the current Relief Society presidency?
President Camille N. Johnson
J. Anette Dennis - 1st Counselor
Kristin M. Yee - 2nd Counselor
What were the names of Naomi’s two daughters-in-laws?
Orpah and Naomi
The Relief Society theme "Charity Never Faileth" comes from a scripture in this book of the New Testament.
1 Corinthians - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, Another reference is Moroni 7:46
What year was the Prairie du Chien branch building completed?
The number of sisters that attended the organization meeting of the relief society.
She was the longest serving General Relief Society President.
Belle S. Spafford - She served from 1945 to 1974 (29 years)
What woman acted quickly to avert much bloodshed after her husband disrespected King David?