The minimum required rank to be eligible for election into the OA for a Scouts BSA Unit.
What is the First Class Rank ?
This is the number of nights that can count towards OA election eligibility for a long-term campout [ Jamboree, Summer Camp, ect ].
What is 5 ?
This American cookie was invented in the 1930s and was initially marketed as a health food for children, as it is made with oats and raisins.
What are oatmeal raisin cookies ?
Troop members require 15 of these in order to be eligible for election into the OA.
What are camping nights in the BSA
[ T/F ]
If a scout is inducted after a wrongful election, they are still allowed to retain membership in the Order of the Arrow.
What is true ?
This Swedish cookie, locally named Hallongrotta [ Raspberry Cave ] is made with a hole in the center and is filled with fruit, cream or any other filling. It is given it's English name after how it was traditionally made.
What are thumbprint cookies ?
[ T/F ]
Even if an eligible scout receives enough votes to become an Ordeal Candidate, they cannot be elected without approval from the Unit Leader.
What is true ?
This number is 2/3rd's the amount of youth elected at any given unit for that year, rounded up to the nearest whole number.
What is the maximum amount of adults that can be nominated ?
This cookie, often shaped into people or houses and with frosting or candies attached, dates back to the 16th century in Europe and is famously associated with Christmas.
What are gingerbread cookies ?
Information regarding Unit Elections for Arrowmen can be found here.
What is the Unit Elections Handbook ?
Camping nights completed in this Scouting America program will not count towards the amount of nights required to be eligible for election in the OA.
What is the Cub Scouts ?
This cookie, developed in Kyoto, Japan and brought to America in the late 1800's, began to be sold in Chinese restaurants and was thus associated with Chinese culture despite it's true origins.
What are fortune cookies ?
The minimum required rank to be eligible for election into the OA for a Venturing Unit.
What is the Discovery Award ?
This rare circumstance is the only exception where a Scout can complete their ordeal outside of their own council.
What is religious duty ?
[ E.G. Sabbath-observant Jewish Scouts who may not be able to participate due to an upcoming observance ]
This Scottish cookie, known for it's crumbly texture due to its high fat content, was traditionally a luxury treat only enjoyed on holidays and weddings. It is unknown where its name comes from, but our most promising theories suggest that it comes from the French term for the wedges made by the cookies, "Little cakes".
What are shortbread cookies ?
// OR //
What are Scottish biscuits ?