This city state in Europe was known for their warfare and a movie was created about them. 300
This is the Evergreen state. Where you might find bigfoot and lots of rain.
This company owns Facebook and Instagram
These football teams has won more Superbowls than any other team.
Steelers/ Patriots
This city state in Greece is known for education and trade. The birthplace of democracy.
This state is where many celebrities live and has a big wildfire problem right now.
What is the tallest mountain in Washington State
Mt. Rainier
This is the biggest phone company in the US
What are the top three household pets in the USA?
Dogs/ Cats/ Fish
This was what the period of time was called when 25% of Americans lost their jobs and the stock market crashed. A lot of people were really sad.
The Great Depression
This state has the smallest population out of every state in the US. It holds part of Yellowstone National Park
This southern most land mass is the driest place on earth and has no permanent residents.
This company has more employees than any other company in the USA
This teacher is expecting their second baby in June
The 16th president of the United States was...
This state has the highest average elevation. It is in the middle of the country.
This state is the wettest state in the USA.
This company owns Youtube
Alphabet will accept Google
Pratt played this sport in college. Double points if you know the position or event.
Track/ Field. Javelin
This president served in his role longer than any other president during WWII
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
This state was the last state encorporated into the USA. You may order spam and eggs at a Mcdonalds in this state.
This major city in where many retirees calls home is the hottest city in the USA
This company creates self driving cars and their CEO is from SOuth Africa
Name a staff that has attended Western Washington University.
Marshall, Kathryn etc..