Syndromes & Genetics
Speech-Language Intervention
With regard to the language abilities of typically developing school-aged children, those with Williams syndrome have specific difficulty with: a) Concrete vocabulary size b) Conceptual and relational vocabulary c) Short-term memory d) Grammar
What is b) conceptual and relational vocabulary This skill is weakest in children with Williams syndrome
The reversal of the position of two sounds in a word (e.g., aminal for animal) is: a) Metathesis b) Epenthesis c) Migration d) Assimilation
What is a. Metathesis

The SLP wants to examine the bolus during the oral prepatory stage. The best means of performing this examination is: a) FEES b) Clinical examination c) MBSS d) Esophagography

What is C) MBSS although mastication function can be estimated through the clinical examination, the MBSS enables the sip to visualize bolus movement in real time.

A 1-year-old typically can point using the forefinger. What is this MOST closely associated with? a. Cognitive skills b. Motor skills c. Sensory skills d. Language skills
What is B. Motor skills typical motor skills development of a 1-year-old includes using the forefinger to point at and/or poke things and people.
Which of the following are MOST often caused by vocal abuse or misuse? a. Vocal fold polyps b. Vocal fold nodules c. Neither d. Both
What is B. Vocal nodules are most often caused by vocal abuse/misuse.
In an infant with Goldenhar syndrome, what feature would probably be responsible for difficult with feeding? a) Pharyngeal stenosis b) Glossoptosis c) Maxillary hypoplasia d) Unilateral weakness
What is d) unilateral weakness This can affect the lips and tongue, which in turn, compromises an adequate lip seal around a bottle and the adequate formation of a bolus, respectively.
Increasing sensory awareness is a treatment approach to swallowing in all but which of the following disorders? a) swallow apraxia b) hyperactive gag reflex c) food aversion d) delayed laryngeal elevation
What is d. laryngeal elevator does not have a sensory component. Sensory awareness is a proven technique for improving the oral phase of a swallow.
What instrument allows the SLP to measure point of articulation? a) sound spectrograph b) spirometer c) manometer d) palatometer
What is D. The palatometer provides direct evidence of lingual contact with the hard palate, which is the point of articulation.
Of the following theories of cognitive development, whose posits discrete developmental stages? a. Skinner's b. Vygotsky's c. Bandura's d. Piaget's
What is D. Piaget's theory posits four distinct stages of cognitive development, each with specific distinguishing characteristics and corresponding to approximate age ranges.
What are individuals with hearing loss who speak more likely to have difficulty articulating? a. Vowel sounds b. Voiced sounds c. /r/ /s/ sounds d. all the sounds
What is C. the consonants /r/ and /s/ are the most difficult to produce and have the latest age normals for children even with normal hearing to produce correctly. They present additional difficulty for hearing-impaired individuals because they are hard to lip-read/speech-read visually in production.
Consideration of mandibular lengthening by distraction osteogenesis in an infant who has a Pierre Robin sequence would most appropriately improve: a) Airway b) Speech c) Feeding d) Cosmesis
What is a) Airway Infants with Pierre Robin sequence often exhibit retrognathia and glossoptosis severe enough to cause airway obstruction, which is life-threatening. Mandibular lengthening provides for an increase in the anteroposterior dimensions of the airway, making it easier to breath.
The first step in a mans-model of language intervention is to: a) establish joint attention b) model the desired behavior c) request a previously learned communication behavior d) elicit questions from the child
What is a) establish joint attention this intervention is a type of milieu treatment. When a child demonstrates interest in an activity or toy, the clinician offers communication starters and traditional approaches such as prompting, cuing, and modeling or imitation to facilitate participation in communication.
The primary purpose of the examination of oral structure and function is ____. a) to evaluate dental hygiene b) to assess the relationship between oral findings and speech c) to determine whether to refer the patient for orthodontic evaluation d) to determine oral resting posture
What is b. The main purpose of the oral examination is to determine the existence of any problems with oral structure or function that adversely affect speech production.
ASHA finds that, for patients with traumatic brain injuries, SLP services have been MOST effect in all BUT which area(s)? a. Attentional skills b. Memory retention skills c. Linguistic pragmatic skills d. Syntactic and semantic skills
What is D. The reason the SLP services are not found effective in these areas is because these areas are not typically impaired with TBI-caused cognitive communication disorders and do not require remediation.
Abnormal phonetic patterns in early babbling and later speech are MOST associated with which of these syndromes? a. Cleft palate b. Down Syndrome c. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome d. Sjögren-Larsson syndrome
What is A. In children with cleft palates, research has found phonological deviations in their early babbling patterns and phonetic deviations can continue in their speech as they grow older.
To assist the adolescent with Prader-Willi syndrome in developing better behavioral interactions, which of the following would be considered to be appropriate treatment goal? a) Improving narrative skills b) Improving intelligibility c) Improving articulation d) Facilitating self monitoring skills
What is a) Improving narrative skills Although adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome have persistent deficits in articulation and in receptive & expressive language, the narrative difficulties and poor conversational skills are more notable.
Focusing on elimination of errors affecting classes of sounds is a primary purpose of phonological therapy at what age range? a) 12-18 months b) 18-24 months c) 2-5 years d) 5-8 years
What is c. Phonological development is most pronounced at ages 2-5 years, and therapy for children in this age range focuses on sound processes (e.g., fronting, backing, stopping, gliding) or feature errors.
Which analysis provides information about the transfer function of the vocal tract? a. Fast Fourier transform b. Cexstral analysis c. Linear predictive coding d. Sound spectrography e. All of the above
What is c. Transfer function is the involvement of vocal tract resonance with the source function and resulting speech sound.
In acoustic phonetics, what is the greatest change from normal atmospheric air pressure? a. Period b. Frequency c. Amplitude d. Wavelength
What is . Amplitude is the maximum change from normal air pressure in the atmosphere created by a sound wave. We perceive relative acoustic amplitude as relative loudness.
How many muscles and nerves does the normal adult human process of eating and swallowing involve? a. More than 40 b. fewer than 20 c. More than 30 d. Fewer than 10
What is C. More than 30. The normal adult human eating and swallowing process involve more than 30 muscles and nerves, but fewer than 40.
Which of the following hearing disorders best typifies a case of craniosynostosis? a) Delayed auditory maturation b) Sensorineural hearing loss c) Conductive hearing loss d) Mixed hearing loss
What is C. Conductive hearing loss The type of HL that occurs most frequently in patients with craniosynostosis is a conductive HL. It is caused by a variety of otological conditions that affect the middle ear, including middle ear effusion, external canal anomalies, and ossicular fixation.
A child who is performing at the level of ______ should be able to analyze information, synthesize facts, organize information by category and sequence, and make inferences. a) Kindergarten through grade 2 b) Grades 3 &4 c) Grades 5 & 6 d) Grades 7 & 8
What is b) Grades 3&4 the curriculum for grades 3 and 4 builds on the earlier skills while increasing application of linguistic and symbolic knowledge and skills needed for the cognitive-linguistic demands of school.
Of the following methods, which measures an impedance drop across the vocal folds? a. Electroglottography b. Sound spectrography c. EMG d. Nasometry
What is a. Electroglottography Used to measure impedance between vocal folds in order to estimate degree of vocal fold contact.
Which of the following is an example of a descriptive research design? a. A case study b. A cohort study c. A longitudinal study d. A cross-sectional study
What is A. Case study an in-depth examination of a specific situation or individual and is a type of descriptive research design.
What does the stapedius reflex do? a. amplifies sound waves for hearing b. activates the stapes so it vibrates c. protects the ears from loud noises d. enables us to hear our own voices
What is C. the stapedius reflex protects our hearing from overly loud noises when the stapedius muscle pulls the eardrum and ossicles away from each other to minimize vibration, damping our hearing or the noise.