Social Studies
Teaching Reading

Which of the following bodies of water was most crucial for British trade during the colonial period?

A. Boston Harbor

B. Gulf of Mexico

C. Mississippi River

D. Ohio River

Boston Harbor- 

Boston Harbor was the main entry and exit point for British trade in New England during the colonial period.


As a teacher, it is important to be able to write problems that fit a particular solution strategy or mathematical structure. When writing problems for a particular solution strategy or structure be sure to do all of the following except: 

A. Identify the skill(s) to be assessed in the problem

B. Do not correct mistakes that the student makes- let them work through it on their own. 

C. Identify the level of the problem and make sure it is grade-appropriate.

D. Make sure students have learned the requisite skills needed to solve the problem.

B. Do not correct mistakes that the student makes- let them work through it on their own.

Students often make careless errors or errors based on a misconception in a concept. Teachers must be able to follow a student's work, identify the error, and help the student understand how to fix the error. Teachers also must provide adequate problems for the student to practice and reinforce the concepts.


Which of the following is the most appropriate way for a teacher to help young students develop an understanding of print elements?

A. Provide time for students to practice reading to each other.

B. Provide direct and indirect instruction on concepts like punctuation, the progression of text, and the difference between letters, words, and sentences.

C. Send a letter home to remind parents to read to their children every night.

D. Encourage greater access to preschool in their community.


This is a clear, concrete way to help develop an understanding of print elements.


Which type of tectonic plate boundary involves two oceanic plates moving away from each other?

A. Transform

B. Divergent

C. Convergent

D. Subduction 

B. Divergent

Tectonic plates move apart at divergent boundaries. A mid-ocean ridge forms where two oceanic plates diverge.


South and Central American indigenous civilizations of the Americas included all of these groups except: 

A. Sioux

B. Maya

C. Inca

D. Aztec



When 47134.892 is multiplied by 100, what number is in the tens place?

A. 8

B. 7

C. 1

D. 4

D. 4


Throughout the week, a kindergarten teacher chooses a new student to have a one-on-one discussion with. During this discussion, the teacher writes down parts of their conversation, sometimes creating lists together or generating notes to parents from the student. The most likely purpose for these writings is:

A. to make personal connections with students in meaningful ways.

B. to informally assess the student's oral language skills.

C. to reinforce letter and word awareness.

D. to reinforce the concept that words and print carry meaning.


The teacher is able to reinforce the idea that print carries meaning by providing students with a written copy of what they've discussed. Generating lists, notes, or stories together helps students connect written and spoken words.


Humans still need to develop better ways to recycle more types of plastics and to recycle them multiple times. Which of the following is not a valid environmental reason for seeking better ways to recycle plastics?

A. lowering the cost of packaging products

B. decreasing human dependence on oil

C. reducing waste buildup

D. limiting increased greenhouse gas emissions


Producing lower-cost packaging is an economic benefit of recycling but is not an environmental reason.


About 20,000 years ago, the Americas were populated by migrations from where?

A. Polynesia

B. Europe

C. Eurasia

D. Africa

C. Eurasia


Which of the following has the least value?

A. .518

B. .5108

C. .0518

D. .05018

C. .0518

This has the least value of the set. The tenths place has a 0 while the other numerals have a 5 in the tenths place.


A student with strong phonics knowledge is able to:

A. read text with accuracy, speed, and inflection.

B. correctly define and use new terminology.

C. rapidly name grade-level sight words.

D. use relationships between symbols and sounds to read and write words.


Phonics is the study of symbol/sound relationships. Students use phonics knowledge to read and write words.


A teacher has his students plant various types of seeds in mini-terrariums and record observations and measurements over the next month. Tracking which of the following would best help the students understand the concept that changes occur at different rates?

A. the amount of water given to each seed each week

B. the number of each type of seed that sprouted

C. the number of days from planting to sprouting for each type of seed

D. the number of leaves on each type of plant at the end of the month


Different types of seeds will take different amounts of time to sprout. The teacher could then lead a class discussion on which seeds changed quickly and which changed more slowly.


The Treaty of Paris, an agreement reached between the United States and Spain to end te Spanish-American War, had several lasting effects. One of these is not a lasting effect. Which one? 

A. the US gained Spain's colonies in the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

B. Cuba gained its independence from Spain

C. American oversight of Cuba's political decisions and a permanent American naval base in Guantanamo Bay 

D. the Spanish Empire was established as a world power

D. the Spanish Empire was established as a world power 

In fact, the opposite happened- the US established itself as a world power and the Spanish Empire was effectively diminished.


Which of the following algebraic equations shows the additive inverse property?

A. 4x + 4x - 3y = -3y

B. -2x + 0x + 5 = 5 - 2x

C. -3x + 3x + 5 = 5

D. 4x x 4y - 3y = 1 - 3y

C. -3x + 3x + 5 = 5

-3x is the additive inverse of 3x; when added together, the result is 0. 


A first-grade teacher would like to have a general idea of how many of her students understood the day's lesson that introduced L blends. What type of assessment would be most useful in this situation?

A. an entry-level assessment in which students are tested on their knowledge of L blends and other similar sounds

B. a formal assessment in which the teacher asks students to identify and produce L blends

C. an informal assessment in which the teacher walks around the room observing the students while they complete their practice activity

D. an oral assessment in which the teacher calls the students up to her desk to read aloud a short sentence containing an L-blend word during independent reading time


This would be an easily accessible informal observation that can help the teacher plan for the next day's lesson and activities.


A group of students are on a nature walk in the fall. They notice that a tall tree is shedding all of its leaves. What is this type of tree called?

A. coniferous

B. amphibian

C. deciduous

D. archaea


Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the fall.


Which region of the world is heavily influenced by the Hindu religion?

A. Indic

B. Islamic

C. Southeast Asia

D. Slavic

A. Indic

The Hindu religion strongly influences countries of this region, including Pakistan and India. The Hindu religion is closely tied to the caste system in India.


Mr. Jones has been teaching order of operations to his class and a group of students have mastered the concept quickly and easily. What would be the best way to offer them a challenge and increase the rigor of their lessons?

A. Use bigger numbers in the problems.

B. Challenges are not necessary and students should enjoy the success and break.

C. Introduce brackets and braces to go along with parentheses.

D. Move on to the next concept.

C. Introduce brackets and braces to go along with parentheses.

This adds to the current concept and requires the students to use their knowledge in a more challenging way.


Mrs. Sanchez, an English teacher, has her students write a few sentences outlining the purpose of each writing assignment and how they will try to achieve their writing goals. Which of the following is the greatest benefit of this practice?

A. It creates an equal opportunity for success for each student.

B. It allows the students to know the objectives of their writing assignments.

C. It allows students to think about and develop a framework to guide their writing.

D. It promotes the students' ability to convey their ideas clearly.


Requiring students to think about the purpose of their writing before actually writing allows them to create a mental outline of the writing and how they will achieve its purpose.


Which of the following constitutes an inquiry activity?

A. following the steps of a well-designed experiment on magnetism

B. finding materials that can be moved by a magnet, using trial and error

C. listing objects that use magnets in their operations

D. listening to a list of magnetic and non-magnetic materials


An inquiry activity involves doing, not reading or listening. Inquiry centers around developing and answering questions by observing and experimenting.