First Amendment
Due Process Amendments
More Due Process
Reconstruction Amendments
Other Amendments
Officer Wythoff arrested Jared for reporting negative news, which of the 5 First Amendment freedom is violated 

Freedom of Press 


Justice Jaszmyne denied Ava F. a public trial and a jury of her peers. Which Amendment was violated? 

What is the 6th Amendment 

Jordan E. was charged with stealing an entire pallet of water bottles off of the back of truck at 711. He was held for a year before his trial. At the trial, surprise witnesses Carlos and Ajontae testified against him. Jordan's lawyer wasn't prepared because they were a surprise! What amendment was violated? 

6th Amendment 


Mr. Raible tried to FORCE students to stay in class and make fake Louis Vuitton handbags to sell for a nice profit. Students were NOT allowed to leave or complain. What Amendment was violated?

13th Amendment 


Jarred D. wants to start Eastampton Defense Militia. He begins by purchasing a 12 Gauge Shotgun. Officer Wythoff gives him a $20 fine for carrying the shotgun around town and for being a 13 year old with a firearm. What amendment would Jarred say protects him, even if he's wrong? 

2nd Amendment 


If Officer Raible arrested Ali K. for using bad language outside of school.  The official charge was "potty-mouth in public." which First Amendment freedom is violated? 

Freedom of Speech

After his Arrest, Maceo was told he must answer questions or he'd be considered guilty. Which Amendment was violated?

5th Amendment 

Kidada P was arrested for making terroristic threats against her Civics teacher Mr. Raible. Judge Jaszmyne set her bail at 40 Billion Dollars. What Amendment was violated? 

8th Amendment 


If your State denied you the right to vote because of your race, what amendment protects you? 

15th Amendment


Ava V. was told she cannot vote when she turns 18. Voting officials said she'll be a "woman" and that ain't gonna fly. Local voting laws don't allow women to vote. What Amendment protects Ava's right to vote?

19th Amendment 


If the school BANNED the Outsiders because it was "too violent and scary" and because of gang references... what is the school practicing?  

What is Censorship 


Officers Raible and Wythoff kicked in the door of suspected North Korean hacker David V. and arrested him. They wanted to keep it on the down-low, so they didn't bother to ask a judge for a warrant- what Amendment was violated? 

4th Amendment 


Officer Wythoff suspected local Entrepreneur/Salesmen Blake R. was selling rip-off magic rocks to unsuspecting classmates.

 While at school, Officer Wythoff broke in to Blake's Garage seized 40 lbs of knock-off magic Rocks. What Amendment would make those Rocks "inadmissible" in court?

4th Amendment 


The Government tried to say that Janiyah C. isn't a Citizen "just because she was born in the US." They said she should get Equal Protection of Laws since she's not a Citizen. What Amendment protects Janiyah? 



The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT didn't want Mr. Raible to teach anything that made students "uncomfortable" even though the NJ State Curriculum requires Mr. Raible to teach History...which isn't always comfortable... like much of real life. Why can't the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT tell Mr. Raible what to teach? (What Amendment protects Mr. Raible? )

10th Amendment 


If Officer Raible arrests Logan for starting a new cult called "Loganism" where he considers himself a living god, which First Amendment Freedom is violated?  

Freedom of Religion


Ava Fisher and Makayla L. got into a huge argument. Ava smashed Makayla's phone. Later, she slashed Makayla's parents tires. Ava REFUSED to pay for the damage. Makayla and her parents used this Amendment and took the case before Judge Jaszmyne. 

7th Amendment (Civil Cases)


Maceo was minding his own business when Logan kicked in the back of the legs. Maceos legs caved in and he was seriously injured. Logan celebrated until Maceo lawyered up and sued for emotional damages. Unable to understand why a friend would do such a thing, Maceo sued for emotional damages. What Amendment would put these two before Judge Jaszmyne?

7th Amendment 

Carlos lost a bet to Ajontae. The result was that Carlos was property of Ajontae and had to complete his school work FOREVER.  After a few days of this, Carlos wanted out... what Amendment protects Carlos?

13th Amendment 


Jada P. says she has the right a decent education and the right to marry whomever she wants someday... what Amendment protects these "rights" that aren't named specifically in the Bill of Rights? 

9th Amendment 


Mr. Wythoff wasn't happy with JUST his classroom... He wanted Mr. Raible's Room, too. Behind Mr. Raible's back, he made anti-Raible pamphlets with WRITTEN lies to destroy Mr. Raible's reputation. Mr. Raible accused Mr. Wythoff of THIS unprotected speech. 

What is... Libel 


Jaden Y. was found guilty of stealing airpods. After he refused to stop giving Judge Jaszmyne sass... the jury sentenced him to life in prison. Which Amendment protects Jaden?

8th Amendment 


Eastampton Township wanted to build a new Concrete Square for local town members to stand on. Eastamptoners like to stand on concrete squares. The Township chose the spot where Makayla L.'s home stood. Her family was given $50 and a week to leave. Her home was demolished for the construction of the square. People are now enjoying a good standing session on the new concrete slab. Makayla says what Amendment was violated?

5th Amendment- Protection Against Eminent Domain


Mr. Raible made class Laws. When enforcing those Laws, he was extra hard on Blake R.. He made special anti-Blake laws. What Amendment would protect Blake from these unfair laws?

14th Amendment 


The Government told Chaveena she had to let a squadron of Marines live in her basement for a few months. Chaveena ain't having that. What Amendment would protect her right to say, "Nah."

3rd Amendment