Travel Vocab
Small but powerful
Conjugate it!
Passive Practice

Name as many parts of a plane as you can:

options: engine wing exit class (business, first, economy) seat seatbelt turbine cockpit aisle window 


If you aren't early and you aren't late, 

you're right ___ ___.

on time.


To me, ___ best part of going to ___ cinema is the popcorn.

the, the


For the last year, I _____ (run) every week and I'm almost ready for a marathon.

have been running


Write this sentence in the passive:

The boy is playing the piano.

The piano is being played by the boy.


What's the special verb for a guest getting on a plane or a ship for a voyage?

to board, boards, boarding


How would you describe a tire that's lost all its air?

A flat tire/tyre.


It looks as __ it’s going to rain soon, so we should bring an umbrella.



I __________ (finish) this course by June, and after that I ______ (start) teaching summer school.

will have finished, will start


Write the sentence in passive:

Someone's eaten my sandwich!

My sandwich has been eaten!


What do we call (in these modern times) the person who helps you when you are on a plane (brings drinks, finds your seat, shows instructions)?

best answer: flight attendant(s)


What is the correct collocation? It was a ______

thought come true

plan come true

dream come true 

hope come true

It was a dream come true. 

Dreams come true is a very strong collocation.

Dreams come true/are realized.

Plans are successful/are realized/are put into action.

Hopes are fulfilled/are realized.

Thoughts are (too many options!).


Her health ____ gotten better since she's taken up hiking as _____ as swimming.

HAS gotten better

as WELL as


Today we ______ (revise) the exercises we need for the final exam. We ________ (revise) for the past two classes. What will you do once you ______ (finish) the course?

are revising, have been revising, have finished


Have you ever _______ burgled? Once my flat _______ (break into) and my TV ________ (steal).  

Have you ever been burgled?

Once my flat was broken into and my TV was stolen.


What's the verb?

We have to ______ busses at Pekini Street.

change    move   replace   exchange

We change trains/planes/busses when we get off one and get on another.

We move FROM one TO another 

We replace/exchange something we can own (like trading in a car, buying a new shirt, get a new ticket etc)


When we board a means of transport like a plane/bus/train/ship we ________ it.

get onto  get into  get up   get over

We get ONTO it.

We get ONTO a object or surface. For transport, something with no enclosure (bike, skidoo, surfboard) or a means of transport that you walk freely around on (plane, bus, large ship). (this is also when we say board). 

We get INTO an container space (bath, shower). For transport, this means where you can't walk around freely (car, canoe, small boat).


Some people think that many ___ the works written __ Shakespeare were actually authored __ someone else.

many OF the works, written BY, authored BY

we use BY when we attribute or say someone made something: made BY, published BY, directed BY etc


On Wednesday we __________ (have) our exam. The exam _______ (start) at 2pm, so I hope no one is late.

are having, is starting/starts


Finish the sentence:

This Christmas everyone _________ ________ ______ a $500 bonus!

This Christmas everyone will be getting/receiving/paid/given a $500 bonus!


You are looking out the window as you fly, and you have a beautiful ________ of the ocean!

It's a beautiful VIEW of the ocean!

Note the verbs/articles!

You look at/have A view (of something).
A view is what you see from a place (through a window, from a balcony, from a mountain etc).

You see/love THE sight (of something).
You catch the sight of something quickly.

You see/love THE scenery. The scenery is what exists in a place that you could potentially see. 


For 400 points, what's the difference in meaning?

could   were able    managed    succeeded 

For 100 points: what's the dependent preposition for each (none, in or to)

could: possibility/ability modal, needs second verb (could eat, could sit), no dependent prep

were able to: we did do, completed something, needs BE verb (be, is, was etc), dependent prep of TO

managed to: means able to do/succeeded with difficulty, or with a small chance, needs dependent prep TO

succeeded in: we did something, needs dependent prep IN unless you are ending the sentence (eg We succeeded! We succeeded in eating all the khinkali!)


There are few people who would wish to live longer if they knew they were going to be lonely.

What's the best reading of this sentence? (could be none, 1, 2 or all three)

1. There are some people would wish to live a lonely life.
2. People can live lonely lives as older people.
3. Not many people would choose to extend their life as well as being lonely.

2 & 3 are implied by the original statement


Create one sentence in the past perfect.

I copied my notes. Then my laptop died.

I had copied my notes before my laptop died.


Before my laptop died, I had copied my notes.


What is the grammar rule to make a passive sentence?

(...) + (....)

(be) + past participle

conjugate to the right tense