Simple, Compound & Complex
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"She enjoys reading, and she often visits the library" is a compound sentence. 

True  OR  False



What structure should a well-organized paragraph follow?

Topic Sentence, Supporting sentences, and Concluding Sentence.


Should your introduction and conclusion be identical?

No it should be reworded and sound different


What is the purpose of the introduction in an essay?

The purpose of the introduction is to introduce the topic, provide background information, and present the thesis statement.


What are the three most common Boolean operators?

And, OR, Not


What is the type of the following sentence?

The dog ran quickly through the park, chasing after a ball, while children laughed and played on the swings

Complex sentence


The paragraph can include several ideas related to topic. 

True  OR  False


The paragraph should focus on just one controlling idea


What is the type of the following thesis statement?

Learning a new language is not an easy task and the learner might face many challenges during his learning journey. 

Indirect thesis statement 


Describe the structure of a five-paragraph essay.

A five-paragraph essay includes an introduction with a thesis statement, three body paragraphs each with a topic sentence and supporting details, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes the main points.


What is the difference between surveying and skimming? 

A survey is to take a broad look at something. When surveying a text, unlike when skimming, it is not usually necessary to read the first and last lines of each paragraph, especially for longer texts.


What is the type of the following sentence?

Into the suitcase, I carelessly threw a pair of ripped jeans, my favorite sweater from high school, an old pair of tube socks with stripes, and $20,000 in cash.

Simple Sentence 


Mention three types of supporting details?  

Explanation, description, facts (evidence), examples, and reasons. 


What are quotes, statistics, and questions? 

Types of a hook


What is the purpose of a concluding sentence in a paragraph?

The purpose of a concluding sentence is to summarize the main idea of the paragraph and provide a sense of closure, often linking to the next paragraph


 It will provide search results containing the exact keyword(s) contained within.

Quotation marks


What is the type of the following sentence? 

After the rain stopped, the children played outside, and the dogs ran happily in the yard.


Compound-complex sentence 


In the block method of comparing and contrasting paragraph, how is the information typically organized?

In the block method, the information is organized by discussing all aspects of one subject and then all aspects of the other subject in the next block


Explain how you would create an outline based on the following thesis statement: 

Renewable energy sources are essential for sustainable development because they reduce pollution, create jobs, and decrease dependency on fossil fuels.

Body Paragraph 1: Reducing Pollution

Body Paragraph 2: Creating Jobs

Body Paragraph 3: Decreasing Dependency on Fossil Fuels


No new ideas are mentioned and no details are given. What is this essay part? 

Concluding sentence of a body paragraph


If you want documents that have two terms and not one. what do you put.



Identify the dependent and independent clauses in the following sentence: 

This new laptop computer, which I bought yesterday, has already crashed twice; however, I have no idea why.

Independent clauses: “This new laptop computer has already crashed twice” and “I have no idea why”

Dependent clause: “which I bought yesterday”



Maintaining a consistent eating schedule is crucial for overall health and well-being. Skipping breakfast can disrupt your metabolism, making it harder to manage your weight and energy levels throughout the day. To support a healthy metabolism, start your day with a nutritious breakfast and then distribute your remaining calories evenly by eating a wholesome lunch, a nutritious snack, and a balanced dinner. This approach helps keep your metabolism active, reduces the likelihood of bingeing on junk food, and ensures you have sustained energy. By eating nutritious food every few hours, you’ll feel better and stay energized throughout the day.

What is the purpose of the supporting sentences?

The purpose is providing support and details on how maintaining a consistent schedule is important for health. 


Helps organize thoughts, ensure logical flow, and provide a clear structure for the essay, making the writing process more efficient and focused

An outline


This part of an essay can include a call to action (ask people to go do something).



How do you control the order in which search filters work?

By using parentheses ( )