WWII (again)
Great Depression & New Deal
APUSH Grab Bag

This many battleships were destroyed at Pearl Harbor

What is 8? 


At the height of the Great Depression, this was the unemployment rate.

What is 25%? 


This colony was known as a "city upon a hill." 

What is Massachusetts? 


This was the last policy FDR introduced in March 1941 to help his allies prior to war, resulting in the direct purchase of war materials from the United States.

What is the Lend Lease Act? 


Probably the most long lasting New Deal reform, it provides Americans with old age pensions and unemployment/disability insurance.

What is Social Security? 


Passed in this year, it legitimized the exclusion of Chinese immigrants from the United States.

What is 1882? 

Children and normal American citizens could purchase these to support the war effort, resulting in a $186 billion dollar boost to the economy.

What are liberty bonds? 


This popular agency hired 3 million American men to work on conservation efforts.

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps? 

While short in stature, he was big in impact, as the primary author of the Constitution.

Who is James Madison? 


This agency helped transform industries into war time production. Ford Motor Cars, for example.

What is the War Production Board? 


This law drove food prices up by paying farmers to grow less crops.

What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act? 


This case legitimized the Bank of the US and stated that federal laws are more superior than state laws.

What is McCullough v. Maryland? 


This federal agency set prices and organized a nationwide rationing system for families, helping to reallocate war materials to troops.

What is the Office of Price Administration? 


This scandal resulted in FDR asking for one Supreme Court appointment for every justice over a certain age. 

What is the court packing scandal? 


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Go Zags.