What are the 6 main functions of the skin?
What is Protection. Absorption. Secretion. Excretion. Regulation. Sensation.
What wax is most commonly used?
What is Soft Wax
What are the 7 face shapes?
What is/are Oval, Round, Square, Pear, Diamond, Oblong
What do you clean the table with at the end of the service?
What is Barbicide/Low Level
What foundation is the most commonly used?
What is Liquid.
The skin maintains a temperature of what degrees?
What is 98.6
What are the three stages of hair growth?
What are the 3 color schemes?
What is Monochromatic, Analogous, Triadic.
What is it called when eyelashes are adhered individually?
What is tabbing?
What are the 3 main layers of the skin?
What is Epidermis. Dermis. Subcutaneous.
What are 5 contraindications for waxing?
What is open wounds, some topical medications/treatments/ varicose veins, dental x-rays, Active Herpes.
What is act of using darker colors on the side of the nose to make it look thinner?
What is contouring.
What is the best PH for the skin?
What is 4.5-5.5
What are the two types of glands and what do they do?
What is/are the Sebaceous Gland secretes sebum and Sudoriferous Gland secretes sweat.
What are the technical hair terms?
What is/are Capilli. Barba. Super Cillia. Vellus. Lanugo. Terminal.
What is the definition of Chiaroscuro?
What is the art of arranging dark and light colors to produce thee illusion of three-dimensional shapes.
A solid mass within the skin that may be soft, hard, fixed or freely moving?
What is Nodule.
What are the Primary and Secondary Lesions
What is/are
Primary: Macule. Wheal. Papule. Pustule. Vesicle. Nodule/Tumor. Cyst.
Secondary: Crust. Excoriation. Scale. Scar. Fissure. Ulcer.
What are the permanent hair removal methods?
What is Electrolysis. Laser. Photo Epilation/Pulsed light
What are the color vocabulary terms?
What is/ are Hue. Tint. Shade. Value. Intensity. Tone.
A non-contagious infection that produces hypo-pigmented areas on the neck, chest, back and arms.
What is tinea versicolor.