Kamado Dragons

Which of the following sentences features a demonstrative pronoun?

A. This is mine.
B. This party is really fun!
C. Did you eat those crab cakes?
D. I'm enjoying this trip. 

A. This is mine.


Which of these options is an objective pronoun case? 

A. I
B. We
C. Her
D. They

C. Her


A character who does not change at all, despite all of the events that occur in the story. 

A. Dynamic character
B. Round character
C. Protagonist
D. Static character

D. Static character


Identify the correct simple subject (SS) and simple predicate (SP). 

I studied Shakespeare's work. 

A. SS=study; SP=Shakespeare
B. SS=Shakespeare's; SP=work
C. SS=I; SP=studied
D.SS=work; SP=I

C. SS=I; SP=studied


Identify the type of conjunction underlined in the following sentence.
“Susan is interested in getting [either] a dog [or] a turtle as a pet.”

A. Correlative conjunction
B. Coordinating conjunction
C. Subordinating conjunction
D. Organizing conjunction

A. Correlative conjunction


Identify the "job" of the [bracketed] noun OR pronoun in the following sentence. 

Naomi gave her family [presents] for Christmas. 

A. Subject
B. Direct object
C. Indirect object
D. Predicate Noun 

B. Direct object


Tyler predicted his results for his fantasy football team. 

What does the word predicted mean?

A. to change
B. to understand
C. to kick
D. to tell ahead of time

D. to tell ahead of time


What is the indirect object in the following sentence?

We sent Tricia cans of food for the food drive. 

A. We
B. cans
C. food
D. Tricia

D. Tricia


Identify the adjective in the sentence below: 

Aretha Franklin is the [most famous] singer Ariana Grande has come across. 

A. Superlative adjective
B. Descriptive adjective
C. Interrogative adjective
D. Comparative Adjective

B. Descriptive adjective


The typical narrative plot structure unfolds in the following order:

A. Setting, exposition, climax, falling action, resolution
B. Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
C. Exposition, climax, falling action, rising action, resolution
D. Rising action, exposition, climax, falling action, resolution
E. Resolution, rising action, climax, falling action, exposition

B. Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution


What is the complete subject in the following sentence?

Harley and Quinn went to Six Flags before going to White Castles. 

A. Harley
B. Quinn
C. Harley and Quinn
D. Harley and Quinn went

C. Harley and Quinn


Identify the [bracketed] word as a personal pronoun, indefinite pronoun, interrogative pronoun, or demonstrative pronoun. 

This is yours while [that] is mine. 

A. Personal pronoun
B. Indefinite pronoun
C. Interrogative pronoun
D. Demonstrative pronoun

D. Demonstrative pronoun


A character who undergoes a change, usually in his or her personality, as a result of events in a story is known as a: 

A. Static character
B. Flat character
C. Dynamic character
D. Antagonist

C. Dynamic character


Identify the verb AND the correct verb type in the following sentence. 

Melvin was tired after his tennis match. 

A. Action verb
B. Linking verb
C. Helping/Main verb
D. None of the above

B. Linking verb


Which of the following is a proper definition for a theme?

A. The central message or universal idea found in a story
B. A one-word topic specific to the events in the story such as racism or love
C. A definition
D. A character/event specific to that story

A. The central message or universal idea found in a story


The nail shop Rocked by Roxie has orange acrylic powder available to clients.  

What is the appositive?

A. orange acrylic powder
B. orange acrylic
C. Rocked by Roxie
D. by Roxie

C. Rocked by Roxie


Which of these options is a subjective case pronoun?

A. Me
B. He
C. Them
D. Us

B. He


Which of the following sentences features a correlative conjunction?

A. Either clean up your room or you will be grounded.
B. I told you to clean your room yesterday, but you didn't clean it.
C. I'm convinced that there are things living under the pile of trash in here.
D. I can't even see the floor anymore. 

A. Either clean up your room or you will be grounded.



Identify the [bracketed] verb type in the following sentence. 

They [are] surfing at the beach. 

A.    Action verb
B.    Linking verb
C.    Helping/Auxiliary verb
D.    None of the above

C.    Helping/Auxiliary verb


The sentence “She briefly fantasized about her potential title: Chandra Nalaar, the first human to discover alien life,” is an example of what literary element?

A. Imagery
B. Simile
C. Direct characterization
D. Indirect characterization

D. Indirect characterization


Combine the following sentences to create a compound-complex sentence.
1. He never played football again.
2. Although he could've broken every NFL rushing record.
3. Barry Sanders retired at the age of thirty-one.

A. Barry Sanders retired at the age of thirty-one, although he never could've broken every NFL rushing record, so he never played football again. 

B. Although he could've broken every NFL rushing record, Barry Sanders retired at the age of thirty-one, and he never played football again.

C. Although he could've broken every NFL rushing record, he never played football again. Barry Sanders retired at the age of thirty-one. 

D. He never played football again, and although he he could've broken every NFL rushing record, Barry Sanders retired at the age of thirty-one. 

B. Although he could've broken every NFL rushing record, Barry Sanders retired at the age of thirty-one, and he never played football again.


Which of the following sentences features a compound subject and a compound predicate?

A. Cheyanne was losing the dance contest.
B. Nervous, Tanya vomited in her hands and cried.
C. Cheyanne managed a crazy comeback, and Tanya celebrated.
D. Both Cheyanne and Tanya danced and celebrated at the end of the competition.

D. Both Cheyanne and Tanya danced and celebrated at the end of the competition.


Which of the following sentences features an indefinite pronoun?

A. Phil thinks that Mary is going to leave the company.
B. I do not think anyone is going to attend the football game.
C. Kari thinks that you and I need to visit Hollywood, California.
D. Kylie said that we need to buy more food for the pantry.

B. I do not think anyone is going to attend the football game.


Is the following sentence an example of a simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex sentence?

After the chef removed the food from the oven, he sprinkled on the cheese, and the kitchen staff all enjoyed the pleasant meal.

A. Simple
B. Compound
C. Complex
D. Compound-Complex

D. Compound-Complex


Name the 3 parts of an introductory paragraph.

1. hook/ lead
2. 3 supporting details
3. claim/ thesis/ main argument