Post Secondary Education
Career Exploration
Self Advocacy
Everything else

If you were to stand anywhere in the state of North Carolina, there is one of these within 30 miles of you

What is a community college?

Someone who diagnoses and treats illnesses in people, has gone to school for 8+ years and earns an average of $217,000 per year 

What is a doctor?


Something you may need to make your job possible for you to do and excel at due to a disability

What is an accommodation?


This does not need to be disclosed at a job, however it could help with accommodations and lead to a more understanding work environment 

What is a disability?


The typical amount of hours a person works per week to be considered full time

What is 40 hours per week?

Electrician, Plumber, Mechanic and HVAC are all examples of this kind of work

What is trade?

Someone who brings out food at a restaurant, usually requires not special education and makes approximately $36,000 a year

What is a waiter/waitress?


A formal meeting between a potential employer and a job applicant

What is an interview? 


A positive view of oneself that includes love, value, dignity and respect; also could be a negative view of oneself

What is self esteem?


Many companies using this largest social media platform to advertise for job vacancies

What is Facebook?

A type of financial aid. You do not need to pay this back and are often awarded an amount of money based on academic performance or extra curricular involvement such as sports or music

What is a scholarship?


Someone who is trained and sometimes hold certifications to fix cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, lawnmowers, and other small engines and earns on average about $50,000 a year 

What is a mechanic?


Everyone is different

What is diversity?


In order to advocate for yourself in the workplace, it is important to know what your good at and what you need to improve.. also know as this

What are strengths and weaknesses?


In general, when you quit a job you should give a notice of this time? 

What is two weeks?


This is when you should start thinking about a post secondary path

What is freshman year in high school?


Someone who rings up and accepts payment for your purchases with usually no post secondary education and typically earns on average $28,000 a year

What is a cashier?


The process of settling a dispute or disagreement between two or more parties using constructive dialogue, negotiation and problem solving techniques

What is conflict resolution?


The Americans with Disabilities Act is a civil rights law that protects people with disabilities from being discriminated against and not offered a job because of their disability or this after being employed meaning "let go" 

What is fired?


When a person has a lot to do and makes a schedule, they should add some POP to their day; P.O.P. meaning this

What is Plan, Organize and Prioritize?


This is the form you and your parents have to fill out yearly to qualify for financial aid from the government

What is the FAFSA (Free application for federal student aid)?


Someone who assists a doctor in diagnosing and treating a person's illness who makes on average $94,000 a year going to school for around 2 years for a license and 4 years for a degree 

What is an RN (registered nurse)?


Non technical abilities that relate to how you work, interact with others and manage your work environment

What are soft skills?


If you are having trouble getting or keeping a job due to a disability, you can reach out to this government agency for assistance

What is Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)?

Why does the average person have a job? 

What is to earn a paycheck?