Workplace Readiness
Work-based Learning
Job Exploration
Life after High School

True or False: Self-advocacy is when you know what you need to be successful and can tell people in an appropriate way. 

True: It is important to practice self-advocacy in many different areas of your home, with friends, at school and at work.


What is the document you fill out when you are interested in getting a job. Can be online or on paper. 

An application. 


How can you get work experience before having a paid job?

Volunteering, job shadows, school-based work, chores at home


Most full-time jobs require you to have at least a high school ___________ or equivalent. 



At what age do you become your own educational decision maker? 

When you turn 18 yrs old. 
What is it called when you share information about your disability with someone? 

Disability Disclosure 


What are appropriate reasons to miss work? 

You are sick, a family emergency, planned vacation


What is it called when you observe someone doing a job to see if it is a good fit for you?

A job shadow.


Where can a student go to learn a trade during their junior or senior year in high school?

A vo-tech program


What document ends after you graduate and does not continue after high school? 



You can request _____________ at work or in college in order to be more successful. 



When are appropriate times for you to check your phone while working? Where should your phone be while you are working? 

You can check your phone while on a break. While you are working, your phone should be turned off/silenced and put away. 


How can you prepare for a job shadow?

Research the company, research the job you will be shadowing, think of questions to ask.


Is a 40 hour work week considered part-time or full-time?

Full time. Part-time is 20 hours a week. 


In order to request accommodations at a community college or university you need to make an appointment with this office.

Disability Support Services 


True or False: You don't have to disclose information about your disability in order to request accommodations at work in or college. 

False. In order to receive accommodations at work or in college, you need to disclose information about your disability. 


How can you prepare for a job interview?

Research the company, practice how to answer common questions, plan what to wear and what time to arrive


Why is volunteer work or community service valuable?

It can be considered work experience. 


What is a vocational/trade school?

A school that provides training for a specific job (ex. welding, cosmetology, plumbing, diesel mechanics). 


What agency can help in finding a good job and paying for college/training after high school? 

Vocational Rehabilitation, Voc Rehab, VR


Which law provides guidelines to schools for special education services from early childhood to 12th grade? 

Section 504, IDEA, ADA

IDEA: This stands for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act


Who should you use for a reference when filling out an application? 

Adults that you have a professional connection with and can speak to your work skills (teacher, coach, adult leader). This does not include someone you are related to or a friend. 


How can you follow up with the business after going on a job shadow? 

Send a thank you card, note, or message. 


What are important things to consider when exploring careers or looking for a job? 

Your needs, goals, and interests 


Which two laws provide protection for accommodations and anti-discrimination at work and in college? 

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Section 504 and ADA