Figurative Language
Just for fun!

Two people at dinner are sitting silently, both staring at their phones and scrolling. What can you infer?

Any reasonable response


When my popcorn burned in the microwave, 7 firemans showed up to my house.

What is wrong with this sentence?

When my popcorn burned in the microwave, 7 firemen showed up to my house.


“Can you come over this Saturday?” Jackson asked Mason. “Let’s play it by ear,” Mason replied. “I’m supposed to have a golf tournament, but it might rain.”

Wait and see


Is an avocado a fruit or a vegetable?

A fruit


What is another word for fearless?



Mark's phone was buzzing repeatedly on the table, but he didn't pick it up. His friends exchanged awkward glances but said nothing. What can you infer about Mark's relationship with whoever is calling?

Someone he doesn't like/has a bad relationship with


On Saturday we went hiking we saw a deer a rabbit and a squirrel.

What is missing?

On Saturday we went hiking we saw a deer, a rabbit, and a squirrel.


After a stressful week of exams, Felipe decided to blow off some steam by playing basketball with his friends.

Do something to relieve stress


What everyday item was originally called the "Whirlwind" before its name was changed?

The vacuum


The cheetah’s footsteps were inaudible as it silently crept towards its prey.



The world has been divided into four nations and kingdoms. Each kingdom represents a natural element- Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Benders are masters of their own element, but do not have the ability to control other elements. There is only one bender with the mystic ability to master all four, the Avatar. His followers and protectors help the Avatar on his quest to save the world as the Fire Nation tries to gain control. 

What inference can be made based on the details in the summary?

A.The Avatar will be defeated by the Fire Nation.

B.The fate of all nations relies on the Avatar.

C. Benders must train to possess the powers of other elements.

D.The Avatar will unite all of the kingdoms.

B.The fate of all nations relies on the Avatar.


Mary shouted watch out for that goose

What is wrong with the sentence?

Mary shouted, "Watch out for that goose!".


It was the first hot day of summer, so the The Scoop Shop needed all hands on deck to serve the long line of hungry customers.

Everyone needed to help out


What animal has striped skin in addition to its striped fur?

A tiger


When the fire alarm rang, all of the workers quickly vacated the building.



During the post-game press conference, the coach repeatedly answered questions about the team’s poor performance by saying, "We didn’t execute the game plan." He avoided commenting on individual players, even though some performed noticeably below their usual level. 

What can you infer about the coach’s attitude toward his players and his overall strategy in handling the media?

He doesn't want to single anyone out/doesn't want to give details to the media


When you are proofreading your work, what are three things you should check for?

Capitals, punctuation, correct grammar, correct word order, spelling, does it make sense??


Julie studied for the history exam all night long. However, as soon as the test was in front of her, she drew a blank on almost every question.

to forget something


What sport has been played on the moon?



What is the opposite of grow?



The Canadian province of Quebec was originally settled by French fur traders. Eventually, cities grew to support the fur trade. As a result, other industries (such as logging) became the main source of income for residents.

Based on this passage, you can infer that some residents of Quebec may speak which language?

a. French b. Spanish c.  English

A. French


I woke up late this morning I didn't have time to eat breakfast I ran to the bus stop but the bus had already left.

What is wrong with this sentence? Fix it

I woke up late this morning. I didn't have time to eat breakfast. I ran to the bus stop, but the bus had already left.


Chase doesn’t normally watch baseball, but this year he decided to jump on the bandwagon and cheer for the winning team.

To begin supporting/liking something popular, that a lot of other people like


What is the only number spelled out in English with the same number of letters as its value?


Dr. Shepard took an international flight from New York to London.

Between countries