Perm Rods
Permanent Waving
Chemical Relaxing
Skin Care
Hot Tools

This rod has a smaller diameter in the center than expands out

Concave Rod


This product is a cream barrier applied around the hairline and ears to to protect the skin from permanent waving lotions 

What is a protective cream 


This is the process of new hair growing out from the scalp that has not yet been chemically altered

What is new growth 


This is a painful, itchy, non-contagious skin inflammation, which can have the appearance of either dry or moist lesions.

What is Eczema 


This tool is used to dry and style hair by reforming hydrogen bonds that were broken when the hair was shampooed 

What is a blow dryer


Also know as flexible rods

Bender Rods


These waves are processed without the application of heat, also known as cold waves. The main ingredient is usually thioglycolic acid  

What are alkaline waves 


On the curl reduction chart, this percentage is considered optimum relaxation

What is 75%


Crust, scales, scars, keloids, fissures, ulcers, and excoriation are all examples of what?

What are Secondary Lesions 


This tool has corners or edges that produce crimped or Z-shaped designs that vary in width and depth 

What are crimping irons 


The diameter is even all the way through

Straight Rod


This process determines the required processing time for a curl and ensures the desired curl has been achieved 

What is a preliminary test curl 


This is a mild, alternative relaxer that is compatible with thio relaxers and contain a low pH.

What is ammonium bisulfite relaxer


Eccrine, and apocrine are both types of what??

What are Sudoriferous Glands 


This product is applied prior to using heat appliances on the hair acting as a thermal barrier to help shield the hair from heat 

What is a thermal protectant 


Pliable foam rods

Sponge rods


These waves are processed by a chemical reaction that releases heat. They are considered self-heating; therefore, an outside heat source is not needed. 

What are exothermic waves 


This chemical texture service restructures overly curly hair into loose curls or waves.

What is a soft curl reformation 

These 2 nerves create the Maxillary area of the face 

What is the zygomatic and infraorbital nerves


These are also know as undulating irons, usually having 2 or more barrels joined together to form a wave. 

What are waving irons


Circular Rods, plastic rods that are used to create a spiral curl.

Loop Rods


This is the main active ingredient used in true acid waves, consisting of thioglycolate acid and glycerin. 

What is Glyceryl Monothioglycolate


This is defined as an organic compound that is a colorless, flammable and pungent gas

What is formaldehyde


This basal layer of the skin is also know as the birth layer of the epidermis, as it is where The epidermis begins. This bottom layer is where the skin cells are new, plump, and alive.

What is Stratum Germinativum


This type of technique removes all of the hair’s curl using a thermal pressing comb twice on each side of the hair shaft 

What is a hard press