What does IFSP stand for?
Individualized Family Services Plan
Does early intervention make a difference?
what qualifies as a risk factor for communication disorder in infants?
any condition that places a child's development in jeopardy is also a risk for language development
What are therapy goals at this stage?
secondary to infants stability, one can be addressed once child is stable
What is turning in?
-baby is very sick and cannot participate in reciprocal interactions
-all energy to maintain biological stability
-not doing any intervention, educating families on the stages, minimal handling
What does an IFSP do?
-helps families navigate the system in place
what are the results on future assessments of children who received EI?
scored significantly higher on cognitive, language and social scores than children who did not receive EI
What are the prenatal factors?
maternal drug/alcohol abuse, exposure to environmental toxins, in utero infections, poor prenatal care/nutrition
important to monitor
What is coming out?
-baby first becomes responsive to the environment
-they are no longer acutely ill, start to gain weight and breathe better
-they can begin to benefit from interactions with parents
Who is an IFSP for
Children younger than 3 years old, like an IEP but for preschool children
How is EI preventative?
can do preventative work to minimize secondary complications or to reduce extent of disability
What is Low Birth Weight? What are the implications?
LBW= 5.5 lb, VLBW=3.3 lbs
-associated with increased risk of developmental delay
-preterm babies scored lower on later assessments in all areas except pragmatics
Hearing Conservation
need to monitor NICU noise levels to prevent over stimulation
What is Reciprocity?
-infant can respond to parents interactions in predictable ways
-usually occurs before baby is released from hospital
-failure to achieve this stage may signal that developmental deficits may persist
IFSP provides these services for the child
services for the development of the child
how does EI make a difference?
provides parental training and support, stimulation occurs at a time when the brain is more plastic and able to adapt due to a critical brain development period
What is Premature? What are the implications?
Preterm= prior to 37 weeks, very preterm= prior to 33 weeks
-is a risk for future speech and language disorders
-full term babies have significantly higher cognitive scores than preterm babies due to :perinatal variables, demographic variables and NICU experiences
Infant Behavior and Development
evaluate infants level of physiological organization: respiration, ability to engage
3 Stages: Turning in, coming out, reciprocity
SLP role: medical needs >monitor environment > alleviate sensory overstimulation >educate staff on EI
When does Reciprocity typically occur?
35+ weeks
IFSP provides these services for the parents
services to address the families needs
skilled child care
social services
once again is EI important!
Genetic and Congenital Disorders?
What elements are important for Parent Child Communication?
-recognize understand and interpret signals
-identify when baby is alert and able to interact
-identify when baby can no longer interact so they can recoup
-kangaroo care: skin to skin contact, associated with shorter NICU stay, increased periods of alertness, improved development when leave NICU
What do the 3 stages do?
determine when an infant is ready to participate