Progressive Era
New Technology
Imperialism & Spanish American War
Roaring 20s

The term used to describe people who work for money. Alternatively, a volunteer is someone who does work without pay.

What is labor?


Books for adults and toys for kids were often the main forms of home entertainment.  This technology was soon owned by many americans and had programs for news, kids shows, family shows, music, and sports. By 1932, 73% of households had one of these in their homes. 

What was the Radio?


Other than Cuba, the United States also fought in this region of islands in the pacific.  The Battle of Manila Bay at this location saw the Spanish lose to the US navy. 

What is the Phillipines?


This alliance consisted of countries like Great Britain, Serbia, and France.  They fought against Germany, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary.

What were the Allied Powers?


This was a slang term that orginated in the 1920s.  It is often used to describe people's feet.  Many people still use this slang today.

What are "dogs"?


The progressive era was important because it led to change and fixed a lot of problems caused by this time period in american history.  This time lead to the development of many factories, cities, and new forms of technology.  

What is Industrialization?


After the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911, more safety requirements were put in place all over the country for all businesses.  That includes this important fire prevention equipment installed in the ceilings of public buildings. 

What is the sprinkler?


This United States Ship was sunk in Havana Harbor, Cuba in 1898.  Many thought the Spanish Empire sunk it with a torpedo, thus leading us into the Spanish-American War.

What was the USS Maine?


Trench Warfare was used on this front of war.  The trenches ran for miles along the French, German, and Belgian borders.  This is where most of the fighting during WWI took place.

What was the Western Front?


Women became more independent and had a lot more free time in the 1920s.  Women who went out to Jazz clubs and speakeasies in fun outfits and shorter hair became known as this

What were flappers?


A form of protest workers would use to convince their bosses to improve working conditions, better pay, better hours, etc. This normally meant that workers would refuse to work.

What is a labor strike?


During WWI, many new forms of technology were mass produced to fight enemies in conflict.  This technology made it almost impossible for solders to cross "No Man's Land" into enemy trenches due to how quickly it fired ammunition. 

What were machine guns?


This president, who fought during the Spanish American War, became known for a new form of Foreign Policy.  "Big Stick Diplomacy" is used to describe the foreign policy which involved the United States threatening military action to make deals in the Americas. Hint: he has a cool mustache and was also a cowboy.

Who was Teddy Roosevelt?


This empire fell apart in 1917 due to a coup that removed Tsar Nicholas II from his throne.  The Bolshevik Revolution led by Vladimir Lenin was responsible.  Many people were frustrated with the Tsar because over 3 million soldiers and civilians died in WWI.

What is Russia?

The 18th Amendment which banned the sale, manufacturing, and transporting of alcoholic beverages.  This era has a name. (1920-1933)

What was prohibition?


These were journalists who exposed all of the wrongdoings of several industries.  From child exploitation to unsanitary meatpacking, these journalists became a vital part of the progressive movement because of the change they inspired.

Who were Muckrakers?


Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton were famous in american pop culture in the 1920s.  Their use of practical effects and slapstick comedy made them household names.  They performed in this form of entertainment that many people would see once a week and used title cards for dialogue. 

What are silent films?


This form of reporting news was considered to be the "Fake News" of the era.  It often used outlandish, absurd, and eye-catching headlines to get people to buy their newspapers. A lot of misinformation was spread before and during the Spanish-American war because of this.

What was Yellow Journalism?


Wars come to an end with peace talks and some form of formal agreement.  The treaty that ended the war was signed in this french palace.  The treaty greatly punished Germany and blamed them for the war.

What was Versailles (or Treaty of Versailles)?


This jazz club in Harlem is where famous musicians came to play including: Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holliday, and Cab Callaway.

What is the Cotton Club?


This leader of the Women's Suffrage Movement led and created a Parade in DC in March of 1913, which signified one of the first national events for movement.  She became one of the youngest leaders of the movement and helped in the push for a new congressional amendment in 1920. 

Who was Alice Paul?


The telephone replaced this older technology as a way to communicate quickly with people across far distances.  Morse code was used for this form of communication.  

What was the telegram?


The USA annexed this land because of its economic benefit of having access to sugar.  The USA also wanted this area because of it is strategic position during the Spanish-American War.  The native people to the land were strongly opposed to annexation. 

What is Hawaii?


This Serbian Nationalist was part of the organization named "The Black Hand".  He ultimately assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was the next in line to the Austro-Hungarian thrown.  This was the spark that lead to all out war.

Who was Gavrilo Princip?


This musician became popular for bringing St. Louis Blues to mainstream audiences during the Harlem Renaissance.  "Nobody wants you when you're down and out" is one of their iconic songs.

Who was Bessie Smith?