Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day is which commandment?
The 3rd commandment
What is the season in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus?
The priest begins every Mass with what short prayer?
The Sign of the Cross
A convenant is a sacred ______ between God and humans.
You shall not kill is which commandment?
The 5th Commandment
What is the name of the sacrament in which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ?
Eucharist (Holy Communion)
What is the seasonal color of Advent and Lent? Hint: think about what color vestments the priest wears during that time of year.
What is the name of the reading the priest or deacon reads that comes from the first 4 books of the New Testament(Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John)?
the Gospel
What do we call the sin of Adam and Eve(where they disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden) which led to the sinful condition of the human race from the beginning?
Original Sin
What is the 8th commandment?
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor (Don’t lie).
What do we do in the sacrament of Reconciliation?
Confess our sins
What season of the liturgical year is a time to remember the works of Jesus and listen to his teachings. The color green is used during this season as a sign of hope and growth.
Ordinary time
The Liturgy of the ____ is the part of the Mass that includes the two readings, a psalm, the Gospel, Homily, Profession of Faith, and Prayer of the Faithful.
God’s Divine Revelation is found in ____ and ____
Sacred Scripture(the Bible) and tradition
What is the 10th commandment?
You shall not covert your neighbor’s goods. (Do not be jealous of other’s things).
How many sacraments are there?
What is the season in which we prepare for Easter by following Jesus more closely? This season begins on Ash Wednesday
What are the names of the 3 days make up the Triduum(the 3 day celebration of the Paschal Mystery right before Easter)
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday
The first 3 commandments are about our relationship with ______. The last 7 are about our relationship with ______.
God; others
What is the sacrament that ordains men as priests?
Holy Orders
The seasons of the liturgical year mark and celebrate the events of the Paschal Mystery. Name the 4 parts of the Paschal Mystery
What do we call the part of the Mass when the Priest or Deacon discusses/explains the readings.
_____ is God’s word to the Church that is passed down by the Apostles, priests, and bishops, that was handed down verbally to all of us.
Sacred Tradition