Heavenly Father
Heavenly Mother
Truth and Understanding

In whose name did Jesus tell us to baptize people? Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Matthew 28:18–20


Whose existence is the title of God the Father showing?  It is God the Mother.  Where does the Bible testify about the existence of our Heavenly Mother?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible?

Galatians 4:26


Where can we find the name of the church Jesus established and the apostles attended? Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

1 Corinthians 1:1–2


What did Jesus, our Savior, tell us to do in order for us to have eternal life?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

John 6:53–54


What day of the week is the Sabbath day God commanded us to keep? Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Mark 16:9 and Mark 16:1–2

The “first day of the week” is the day after the Sabbath.

Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week, the day after the Sabbath.


Jesus showed the Apostle John a vision, where He said He would have a new name—not the name of the Father or the name of the Son.  Please find and tell answer from the Bible.

Revelation 3:12


Where can we find in the Bible the prophecy about the Bride who appears with the Spirit and gives us the water of life?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Revelation 22:17


There are also specific laws and regulations we must follow when offering prayer and worship to God who is the Most Holy One and King of the whole universe.  Where can we find the regulation of veil?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

1 Corinthians 11:3–6


How are we able to eat Jesus’ flesh and drink His blood?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Matthew 26:17–19


the New Testament shows that Jesus and the apostles kept the Sabbath.  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible. Hint 3 scriptures.

Luke 4:16, Acts 17:2, and Acts 18:4


What is the purpose of Christ coming a second time? Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Hebrews 9:28


The Bible clearly prophesies that the bride appears in the last days when Jesus comes a second time.  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Revelation 19:7–9


In the New Testament times, too, God’s people must have faith and observe all the commandments of God—the truths of the new covenant, which Christ has taught them. Where can we find the Bible prophecies  that God’s people, who will be saved in the last days, obey God’s commandments.  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:12


What is the way to eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Matthew 26:26–28


We must keep the Sabbath holy until the end of the age.  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Matthew 24:20–21

because if the last great distress happens, we won't be able to worship God fully.


Where does Jesus come from at the time of His second coming?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Revelation 7:2


Who is the bride, the wife of the Lamb?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Revelation 21:9–10


Where can we find in the Bible that God’s people have all come to spiritual Zion in the New Testament times.  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Hebrews 12:22


Gospel that the Bible testifies to is the New covenant.  The core truth of the gospel, the new covenant, is the Passover.  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Luke 22:15, 19-20


Which day did God bless and make holy? Where can we find God commanding us to remember to keep this day? Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.  Hint 2 answers.

Genesis 2:1–3 and Exodus 20:8–11


As the Apostle John saw in his vision that no one could open the scroll, he wept and wept.  So for the salvation of mankind, the scroll must be opened.  Who, then, can open it?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Revelation 5:5


Even four times, Jesus said He would give life at the last day. Why did He keep putting it off until the last day? That’s because it is the will of God the Father that eternal life be given by God the Mother, who is to appear in the last days.  Where can we find this prophecy in the Bible.  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

John 6:39, 40, 44, and 54


Which church is the true church where God dwells, bestows eternal life, and celebrates God’s feasts?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.  Hint 3 answers/scriptures

Psalm 132:13–14, Psalm 133:3, and Isaiah 33:20


What is the date of the biblical Passover?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

At twilight on the 14th day of the first month in the sacred calendar.  Leviticus 23:4–5


Why did Jesus and the apostles keep the Sabbath?  Please find and tell your answer from the Bible.

Matthew 7:21

Those who do the will of God can enter Kingdom of Heaven