What's the 1st principle to the Preamble?
Why are "We the People" the first three words of the Preamble?
To remember the people are the ones in charge of the democratic government
Most likely to talk nonsense
What's the 2nd principle of the Preamble?
"Establish justice"
What's an example of the 2nd principle?
Courts, establishing a set of laws for the country
Most likely to praise the GOAT (Michael Jordan)
James cause he secretly like MJ but is afraid Christian will hate him if he doesn't praise Lebron James
What's #3 of the Preamble?
"Ensure domestic tranquility" (peace at home chill guy!!)
What does the 3rd principle mean?
Keeping peace within the nation, aka your home!!
Most likely to crash out over Jeopardy
What's #4 of the Preamble?
"Provide for the common defense"
What does the 4th principle mean?
Provide a military to protect the citizens and nation
Most likely to vote for Billie Eilish as president
What are the 5th and 6th principles of the Preamble?
"Promote the general welfare"
"Secure the blessings of liberty"
What does the 5th principle mean by promoting the "general welfare"?
Government takes care of its people by providing healthcare, social security, education, better housing, lower taxes, etc
Most likely to never finish reading The Great Gatsby