Precambrian life formed in the
The Earth's Oceans
The Earth took form about 4.6 billion years ago.
The Earth formed 4.1 billion years ago.
False. It was 4.6 billion years ago.
For the majority of the Earth's history, there was no life at all.
True! Animal life did not form for
Precambrian life formed in the
What are the Earth's oceans?
You would need what tool to see these Precambrian creatures?
electron Microscope!
When Earth was first born it was
What is a hot molten ball of boiling rock?
When life finally formed on Earth the surface temperature was below
212 degrees; the temperature of boiling water.
For the first 3.3 billion years of its life, the Earth had lots of life on it.
False! The Earth was a hot ball!
The earth was a molten ball of lava, gas, meteoric explosions, and fire for its first 600,000,000 years.
When did the Precambrian Period start and end?
It started with the formation of Earth around 4500 Ma (million years ago) and lasted up until 515 million years ago once creatures became macroscopic.
This is a Precambrian lifeform?
Yes! The first forms of life were microscopic bacteria!
The surface temperature of early Earth was
What is one-thousand, eight-hundred degrees?
The size of Precambrian life was
The Precambrian Era is the longest period of earth's history. What percentage of time was the Precambrian ____ of the time in which life formed on Earth.
True! For 80% of its life, the Earth had NO life. The Precambrian Period is the longest yet.
BAMM! 4.4 billion years ago a protoplanet the size of Mars sideswiped Earth, and created the ______!
Yup, it's true! The moon.
Precambrian life was mostly microscopic bacteria -- but the earth had to start somewhere!
Precambrian life was microscopic but grew into large forms in a few hundred years.
This is Precambrian life as seen through a microscope but you could see it with the naked eye too.
The Earth sustained no life at all for its first
What is 600,000,000 years?
Precambrian creatures were complex: they had eyes, ears, shells, and bones.
False. They had no face at all.
The Earth was a snowball three times during three ice ages.
Early earth was sunny and beautiful!
No way!
New life formed in the ocean. It is tiny and soft. No hard outside, no bones inside.
The climate was hot and meteors were falling. There was no other place on the planet that could sustain life except in the _________
This creature formed during the Precambrian or the Cambrian?
This is a Cambrian creature. Precambrian animals did not burrow deeply.
What happened with the Earth was 4.4 billion years old?
The Great Impact Event
All Precambrian life started on the seafloor.
True. In the beginning, all of the microscopic bacteria, plankton, and algae formed on the seafloor creating a "sticky green mat."
Precambrian means
What is, all the time prior to the start of the Cambrian?
The oldest mineral found on Earth, is called Zircon which dates back to early earth’s formation and 4.4 billion years ago.
Why is the Precambrian?
Early creatures that formed in the Precambrian were stuck to the ocean floor.
This is an illustration of life in the Precambrian period.
False. Mouth and eyes!
What great event from 4.0 to 3.8 bya brought water to our planet?
The Heavy Bombardment of asteroids