Nursing Scope of Practice
Preceptor Role
500 Patricia Benner Stages

Bedside shift report is completed at this location in the hospital.

What is the bedside?


Right drug, right patient, right dose, right route, right time, right reason, and right documentation

What are the 7 rights of Medication Administration.


Identify patient using _____ patient identifiers, including _______ and __________.

What is 2, & Name, DOB, or MRN?


A nurse’s role that can be professionally rewarding, with increased job satisfaction, and offering the opportunity to directly impact the care provided by nurse orientees.

Who is a Preceptor


No background understanding of the situation exists, so the context-free rules and attributes are required for safe entry and performance in the situation.

What is Novice ?


The 6 P's are utilized during purposeful rounding.  Name the 6 P's.

What is pain, potty, position, personal belongings, privacy, and personal connection?


Starting a question with “Tell me more” or “Please expand on that topic” instead of asking for “Yes” or “No” responses would be example of?

What are open ended questions


A nurse should never administer medications they did not _________.

What is prepare/draw up?


When a preceptee demonstrate appropriate time management, prioritization, and delegation.

What is Proficiency ?


The performer perceives situations as a whole rather than in terms of aspects, and performance is guided by maxims. This person recognizes which aspects of the situation are most salient, they have an intiutive grasp of the situation based upon a deep background understanding.

What is Proficient?


This resource tool in the room needs to be updated daily.

What is the communication board/white board?


This describes concentration and focused energy as well as good eye contact when communicating with another individual

What is active listening


The use of standardized technology increases the effectiveness of __________ within the healthcare team.

What is communication?


Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound.

What are S.M.A.R.T goals?

No longer relies on analytic principle to connect her or his understanding of the situation to an appropriate action. Has an enormous background of experience, now has intuitive grasp of each situation and zeroes in on the accurate region of the problem without wasteful consideration of a large range of unfruitful, alternative diagnoses and solutions.

What is Expert?


Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation

What is SBAR?


Preceptor will complete this documentation with orientee as tasks/skills are completed during orientation period

What is the Competency Based Orientation (CBO)


HIPPA stands for ___________.

What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act?


False assurance, Giving Advice, Probing Questions, Stereotyping.

What are barriers to communication ?


One who can demonstrate marginally acceptable performance, one who has coped with enough real situations to note, or to have pointed out by a mentor or a preceptor recurring meaningful situational components. Has enough background experience to recognize aspects of a situation.

What is Advanced Beginner?


This button in the room is used in patient emergency response situations.

What is the code blue button?


This role of the preceptor focuses on ensuring that the orientee is having an adequate orientation by asking questions such as “What do you need more of?” “What challenges happened that we can discuss?” “Anything else you’d like guidance on?”

What is advocating for the new hire.


Evaluates hospitals on National Patient Safety Goals and Oryx Core Measures

What is Joint Commission?


1. Visual

2. Auditory

3. Read/write

4. Kinesthetic 

What are 4 different learning styles?


Has an increased level of efficiency, during this phase the Nurse is a conscious planner.

What is Competent?