What is a normal diastolic and systolic blood pressure?
What is 120/80 or less?
What is the BOCS role in medication ordering?
What is none, as this is only for a provider to complete?
Orientees must successfully complete how many attempts at performing vital signs?
What is at least 5 out of 10 times?
What is the most important task to perform when collecting a patient's specimen?
What is properly labeling with two patient identifiers: name (full or initials) and date of birth?
OSHA and CDC prohibit this in the lab area.
Eating, drinking, applying makeup or hand lotion.
What are the 5 vital signs taken during patient rooming?
What is Temperature, Pulse, Respiration, Blood Pressure, and Pulse Oximeter (oxygen)?
What is the proper positioning of a patient during injection administration?
What is lying down?
This source is your best friend in providing policies and procedures to orientees.
What is PolicyStat?
This test should not have the swab left in the tube during processing?
What is the Henry Schein strep test?
Deb Barron must be notified in the event of what?
What is a blood borne pathogen exposure?
What is the potential cause for a finger probe of a pulse oximeter to not read correctly?
What is cold skin, swelling of the finger, and/or ail polish color?
What is the BOCS process if a patient identifies as positive on the First Point of Contact Screening?
What is give the patient a mask and triage to Infectious Disease room?
This must be completed in its entirety before an orientee can be released from their training program?
What is 4 and younger?
This requirement in the medication area is one that most people despise.
What is locking medication cabinets?
What is the device in which a patient blows into a device as hard and fast as possible to evaluate how well air is moving in and out of their lungs?
What is a peak flow meter?
What are the common patients that need to be triaged?
What are difficulty breathing, bleeding, vomiting, head injury, syncope, infants <3 months, suicidal ideation, and contagious?
This must be shown to the preceptor to confirm a score of at least 80% or higher.
What is the Medication Dosage Calculation Quiz?
This test requires it's components time to come to room temperature before use.
What is the glucose test?
This is a weekly quick read provided by Training and Development to promote Quality Improvements matters.
What is the Q-Tip?
What is the most important part of using a nonrebreather facemask?
What is ensuring that the bag inflates entirely during oxygen administration?
What is the proper injection site for therapeutic injections?
What is the ventrogluteal site?
This person must be notified in the event a preceptee requires additional resources upon exhausting their training hours.
What is the preceptee's center manager?
This must be documented with each control performed to validate confirmation of completion.
What is the Quality Control Log?
What is the name of the role that is meant to be collaborative to prepare for UCA Accreditation?
What is the Quality Program Manager?