Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
NO prefix
1 suffix = ful
2 word parts!
Does this word have a prefix an/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
NO prefix
1 suffix - ed
1 word part!
Does this word have a prefix an/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
NO prefix
1 suffix = -able
2 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
NO prefix
1 suffix = -s
2 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
NO prefix
1 suffix = or
2 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
NO prefix
2 suffixes = -ic & -al
4 word parts!
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
1 prefix = Un
1 suffix = -ic
5 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
NO prefix
2 suffixes = -tion & -able
5 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
NO prefix
1 suffix = -er
4 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or a suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
NO prefix
1 suffix = -ity
5 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
2 prefixes = Im- & Per-
3 suffixes = -ish, -able, & -ness
6 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
1 prefix = Mis- & A-
1 suffix = -ing
6 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
1 prefix = Pre-
2 suffixes = -ous & -ness
5 word parts
Does this word have a prefix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
1 prefix = pro-
2 suffixes = -tion & -s
5 word parts
Does this word have a prefix and/or suffix, if so, what is it?
How many word parts does it have?
1 prefix = re-
1 suffix = -tion
6 word parts