A pregnant person makes a free decision on the number, spacing, and timing related to the birth of their child, what type of rights apply?

Reproductive Rights


When does early vs late pregnancy loss occur?

Early Pregnancy Loss: Before 12 weeks

Late Pregnancy Loss: Occurs 12-20 weeks of gestation


What Health Risks Are Associated with Substance Use for Pregnant Women? (State at least 3)

  1. Bleeding complications

  2. Miscarriage

  3. Stillbirth

  4. Prematurity

  5. Low birth weight

  6. Sudden infant death syndrome

  7. Congenital anomalies


MCN Offers prenatal education classes on physiological pregnancy adaptations, pregnancy complications, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle choices for primigravida women, what intervention type is this? Upstream or downstream?

Upstream Intervention


A patient reports to the MHN that her and her partner are considering trying for another pregnancy one month after their prior miscarriage. As the MHN, what is the recommended response and how long should you advise the couple to wait before trying to get pregnant?

"It is recommended that you and your partner must not engage in attempting pregnancy after your prior miscarriage, as it should be postponed until 2 months after your body is fully recovered."


In Enhanced First-Trimester Assessments fluid collection for Nuchal Translucency (NT), what amount of fluid collection indicate Congenital Heart Defects and Genetic Disorders?

Fluid Collection of (3mm) Indicate Genetic Disorders.

Fluid Collection of (3.5mm) Indicate Congenital Heart Defects.


A pregnant person arrives at ER, as an MCN you suspect a miscarriage but there are no signs of bleeding, no uterine cramping, and no expulsion of products, what miscarriage type could that be?

Missed miscarriage


As a nurse, if you wanted to assess for aneuploidy (abnormal amount of chromosomes) , what type of assessment will you perform and why? What chromosome is tested for ?

Cell-Free DNA Screening. Is used to assess for down syndrome of the fetus using screening of abnormal amounts of chromosome trisomy 21.


In Second-Trimester Serum Screening, the examiner determines the level of MSAFP, what does an elevated level of MSAFP indicate?

Elevated levels are associated with other conditions such as:

1. Fetal skin disorders

2. Abdominal wall defects

3. Fetal demise

4. Pregnancies at risk for placenta-related adverse events


A pregnant patient is experiencing vaginal loss of fluid, what does the nurse suspect the possible cause is?

Premature rupture of membranes (PROM)


What are some common causes of late pregnancy loss?

Examples: Use of drugs, advanced maternal age, inadequate nutrition, chronic infections, premature dilation of cervix, parity in pregnant women.


What Medical Approaches are Expected for a Woman Experiencing a Miscarriage? (State at least 3)

1. Assess for bleeding

2. Ultrasound done every 2 weeks

3. Fetal Surveillance (Non-Stress Test or Biophysical Profile Assessment Once or Twice Weekly)

4. Antepartum Steroids (If ordered, if Fetus is less than 34 weeks Gestation)

5. C-Section (If fetus is matured, Excessive Bleeding, and Labour is beginning)


After working with an Indigenous community of pregnant mothers, MCN decided to examine the relationships of power and the underlying root causes that produce population inequities. What theoretical perspective does MCN demonstrates?

Critical Social Theory perspective


Name 3 risk factors for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)

Being 35 years old or older 

Being a member of a high risk group (African, Arab latin-american indigenous or asian decent) 

Use of corticosteroid medication


Name 3 immediate nursing interventions for a patient with Eclampsia

Ensure patent airway 

Administer magnesium sulphate and observe for signs of toxicity

Assess fetal status