Types of Stereotypes
Historical Prejudices
Discrimination Laws
Counteracting Prejudice

What is a stereotype?

A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.


Who is considered a national hero for leading the Maroons in their resistance against British colonizers?

Nanny of the Maroons.


What is the primary purpose of the Jamaican Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms?

The Jamaican Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms aims to protect the basic human rights and freedoms of all individuals in Jamaica, including the right to equality before the law.


What is ageism?

Ageism is prejudice or discrimination against individuals based on their age.


What is one way to counteract prejudice in schools?

One way to counteract prejudice in schools is through diversity education and inclusive curriculums that celebrate different cultures and perspectives.


Name one common stereotype about teenagers.

Teenagers are often stereotyped as being irresponsible or rebellious.


Who was Rosa Parks, and what is she famous for?

Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist famous for her refusal to give up her bus seat to a white person in Montgomery, Alabama, which sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott.


What does the Employment (Equal Pay for Men and Women) Act of 1975 ensure?

The Employment (Equal Pay for Men and Women) Act of 1975 ensures that men and women receive equal pay for equal work, eliminating gender-based wage discrimination.


True or False: Ageism only affects older adults.

False. Ageism can affect both younger and older individuals.


True or False: Speaking out against discriminatory comments can help reduce prejudice.

True. Speaking out against discriminatory comments can challenge and change prejudiced attitudes.


True or False: Stereotypes are always negative.

False. Stereotypes can be positive, negative, or neutral, but they are often harmful because they are generalizations.


In what year did the Jamaican slaves gain abolition from slavery?



Which Jamaican act specifically addresses discrimination against persons with disabilities?

The Disabilities Act of 2014 specifically addresses discrimination against persons with disabilities, ensuring their right to education, employment, and access to public spaces and services.


Give one example of ageism in the workplace.

An example of ageism in the workplace is not hiring someone because they are perceived to be too old to understand new technologies.


Name one organization that works to combat prejudice and discrimination.

One organization that works to combat prejudice and discrimination is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).


What is an example of a gender stereotype?

An example of a gender stereotype is the belief that women are more nurturing and men are more assertive.


Which event led by Paul Bogle in 1865 protested against injustices and poor conditions?

The Morant Bay Rebellion.


What is the role of the Bureau of Gender Affairs in Jamaica?

The Bureau of Gender Affairs in Jamaica plays a crucial role in promoting gender equality and addressing issues related to gender-based violence, discrimination, and empowerment of women.


How can ageism impact young people in families?

Young people may be dismissed or not taken seriously in family decisions due to perceptions that they lack experience or maturity.


How can families create inclusive environments at home?

Families can create inclusive environments by promoting open communication, respecting differences, and educating themselves about various cultures and experiences.


How can stereotypes influence behavior in the workplace?

Stereotypes can lead to biased decision-making, unequal opportunities, and unfair treatment of employees based on assumptions rather than individual performance.


What was the purpose of the Christmas Rebellion (Baptist War) led by Samuel Sharpe?

To fight against slavery and seek freedom for enslaved people.


How does the Child Care and Protection Act of 2004 protect children from discrimination?

The Child Care and Protection Act of 2004 protects children from discrimination by ensuring their right to care, protection, and participation in decisions that affect their lives, and by establishing measures to prevent abuse and neglect.


What is a common stereotype about older adults?

A common stereotype about older adults is that they are forgetful and unable to learn new things.


What role can media play in reducing stereotypes and prejudice?

Media can play a role in reducing stereotypes and prejudice by portraying diverse and realistic characters, telling stories that challenge stereotypes, and promoting positive representations of all groups.