Mascots & Traditions
Women in Sport
Franchise Standards

This MLB (Major League Baseball) legend was the first African American permitted to play professional baseball in the United States.

Who is Jackie Robinson

Follow up: Jackie Robinson experienced incredible racism while trying to break racial barriers in the MLB. What privileges were needed to play sports at a high level back then? What privileges are needed today? Do we still see any of those same issues in the present?


The mascot for this sports team has been the focal point of blatant racism and is depicted as mocking an entire group of proud people.

Who are the Cleveland Indians

Follow up: It is understood that teams have a proud history and may not intend to be racist, but consider if the team were to be named after a different minority group. Does allowing this assert dominance over any particular group (directly or indirectly)?


Katherine Switzer was the first female in the United States to run, in disguise, which famous male-only marathon breaking gender barriers allowing the conversation for woman to be allowed compete?

What is the Boston Marathon

Follow up:


This Chicago based professional sports team may not come across as overtly racist, but are heavily monetizing off of this historic Indigenous tribe.

Who are the Chicago Blackhawks

Follow up: Should people of this tribe be benefiting just the same as the white ownership?


This NFL Pro-Bowler led one of the most influential protests on police brutality in the United States.

Who is Colin Kaepernick

Follow up: How do you feel about silent protest? CK stood up for African Americans protesting police brutality. You may not agree with his methods, but it was clear he struck the chords he was trying to hit. What other ways could he have protested? (Football ability aside this conversation should be very civil)


This Saskatchewan WHL (Western Hockey League) team had its mascot pulled after depicting a caricature of a middle eastern man.

Who are the Prince Albert Raiders.

Follow up:

What do we think about this? How much does this actually depict a 'Raider' and how much is it stereotyping an entire group of people? Consider the demographic that follow hockey regularly.


This female hockey player attended and won an event at the NHL All-Star game in 2019 but was not paid charity winnings like the male players were.

Who is Brianna Decker

Follow up: Fair is fair it seems. But was it tokenism of the NHL to have these star females participating if they weren't going to be treated equal? Why/Why not?


This fake sports team, based on irony and a play on "The Redskins", demonstrated the privilege and power in our society while critically looking at racist sports team names.

Who are 'The Caucasians'.

Follow up: Does this make you feel uncomfortable? Why? Why not?

Answer is no: Our privilege allows us to escape that uncomfortable feeling because of the power we hold.


This Canadian NHL defenseman sparked a racial slurs trending on Twitter because of a game winning goal against a division rival in 2014.

Who is P.K. Subban

Follow up: How has social media anonymity added to racism and prejudice? Has it taken the consequences away from actions? Can it be stopped?


Which three franchises popularized the tomahawk chop which is wildly seen as generalized and offensive in a culture full of rich traditions and history.

Who are the Florida State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves and Kansas City Chiefs.

Follow up: This transcends sports. MAGA kid and the indigenous elder, Elizabeth Warren; the tomahawk chop was used to mock. Why is this so popularized with white people.


This female tennis player is in constant scrutiny in the media for her passionate style of play and her dress code. She is the most decorated female tennis player in history.

Who is Serena Williams.

Follow up: Serena Williams is not shy to tell referees how she feels, show frustration and dress how she wants. She gets slammed by sports media because of this. Do male athletes face the same criticism if they act out or for what they choose to wear?


Which famous boxer was stripped of his titles and accolades for protesting the Vietnam war draft based on the mistreatment of African Americans in the United States.

Who is Muhammad Ali.

Follow up: Quietly think about this Muhammad Ali quote. No discussion necessary. “My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America,” he had explained two years earlier. “And shoot them for what? They never called me n*****, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”


This World Champion boxer has been slandered because of his South East Asian heritage. In the violent sports of fighting and martial arts he was able to keep a cool head choose faith and positivity over trash talk.

Who is Manny Pacquiao

Follow up: Lets Google "Manny Pacquiao racist remarks" and see how many different instances come up. The results speak for themselves.


This Saskatoon high school changed their long-standing team named amidst the #IdleNoMore protests.

Who are the Bedford Road Redmen 

Follow up: Why are team names and racist mascots majority Native American? It seems to be the only group getting caricatured and monetized. 


What percentage of woman face discrimination in sports based careers whether it be by co-workers or social media.

Hint: It's a round number (_0%)


Follow up: Almost half of woman in sports based careers face consistant discrimination. Why is this number so high? Why does our society reiterate this "boys club" that is the sports community.


This female fighter changed the way fans view the UFC and female fighters paving the way for equal opportunity of females in the sport.

Who is Ronda Rousey

Follow up: Ronda Rousey faced all of the criticism a female athlete could in a male dominated sport. Her physical appearance, skill, etc. This was only normalized a few years ago. Why has it taken that attitude so long for it to change?


These two Indigenous brothers, who are prominent in the NLL (National Lacrosse League) experience prejudice and racism in a sport that is traditionally aboriginal.

Who are the Thompson brothers. 

Follow up: Do you think this is people trying to be racist or people just not knowing that is it racist? The answer to that does not make it any better but it's important to discuss education and ignorance to racism.


This American Division 1 University is inspired by Southern Confederate Heroes and its mascot inspired after "Rebel" pro-slavery commander Robert E. Lee.

What is the University of Mississippi or "Ole Miss"

Follow up: Consider the irony between "The Rebels" (Confederation) who were fighting against the abolishment of slavery and the high percentage of black athletes that play for those teams today.


This driver drove a lonely road to her feminist legacy after constant scrutiny about her belonging in a southern favorite sport.

Who is Danica Patrick. 

Follow up: Danica Patrick would shave her head and make other team members refer to her as “Dan Patrick” early in her career to hide her identity in order to be taken seriously. Is toxic masculinity to blame for the prejudice in a sport where gender does not increase or decrease the ability to drive a car? 


This year's pre-WW2 Olympic games featuring the stand-out athlete Jesse Owens from the USA, barred Jewish competitors without social consequences from across the world.

When is 1936 Germany Olympics 

Follow up: The USA thought about boycotting the games because of the discrimination but in the end chose to look the other way. Considering the events that took place in the next 10 years after. Could that boycott have brought light to the discrimination before they escalated?