What would you respond to "¿Qué día es hoy?"
DEPEND OF THE DAY use lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves or viernes as answer.
¿En qué mes es Thanksgiving? (SPANISH)
What would you say if you are asked "¿Qué día es hoy?"?
Hoy es (tell the day).
The letter "hache" is silent unless...
it is attached to a "ce"
How do you say "how's it going?" in Spanish?
¿Qué tal?
What would you respond to "¿Qué día fue ayer?"
Depending on the day of the week choose an answer in Spanish between lunes-domingo.
¿En qué mes y temporada es Navidad (Christmas)? (SPANISH)
diciembre , invierno
What would you say if someone asks you ¿Cuántos años tienes tú?"
Your age
Name all the Spanish colors and translate them in English.
Gris : Grey
Blanco : White
Negro : Black
Rojo : Red
Azúl : Blue
Amarillo : Yellow
Café : Brown
Morado : Purple
Rosado : Pink
Anaranjado : Orange
Verde : Green
What are the two words you can say to say goodbye to someone?
Adiós, Chao
What is the difference between writing the days of the week in Spanish and writing the days of the week in English? answer in english.
In Spanish, the days of the week are lower case, and in English, the days of the week are upper case.
What are the two ways to say season in Spanish?
la estación or la temporada
¿Cuál es el numero ordinal de "cuatro" y "dos"?
cuarto y segundo
Write down the three identifying titles and their meaning.
Señor - Sr. : (Sir)
Señora - Sra. : (Missus) Used if she's married or older
Señorita - Srta. : (Miss) Used if she's not married or younger
How would you say goodbye to Ms.Rostami if you will see her the next day?
Hasta mañana
¿Qué días son el fin de semana? Write a sentence using these days.
sábado y domingo
What is the season Spring and Winter in Spanish?
La primavera y El invierno
If you were to introduce your friend to Ms. Rostami, what would say?
Él se llama
Ella se llama
Elle se llama
What are three differences between the English and Spanish alphabets? write in english.
1. The English alphabet has 26 letters and the Spanish alphabet has 27 letters
2. The Spanish vowels can have accents
3. The H is silent
4. Pronunciation of letters are different.
Write all the greeting vocabulary and all the goodbye vocabulary and their translations (are 12)
Buenos días
Buenas tardes
Buenas noches
¿Qué tal?
Muy bien
Hasta luego
Hasta pronto
Hasta mañana
Write all the days of the week in Spanish in order and write two sentences using some of these days in Spanish.
¿Cuál mes es el primero y tercero del año?
enero y marzo
Write all the ordinal numbers in Spanish in correct order.
What is the difference between using "tú" and "usted"? Write examples for when to use each of them.
tú is informal, you
ex. you're talking to a friend, someone close to your age
usted is formal, you
ex. you're talking to a teacher, someone older, someone with authority