This popular reindeer began as a promotional character for Montgomery Ward department stores
This famous actress led the first comedy-variety television show hosted by a woman
Carol Burnett
First appearing in 1907 in Time's Square New York, this event marks the beginning of a new year with a countdown to midnight
New Year's Eve Ball Drop
The color of Elvis's suede shoes, as well as the Christmas he will have without you.
This multi-colored block of pure frustration was the top selling toy in 1980
Rubik's cube
This aptly named cocktail is made with a shot each of Whisky, Jägermeister and orange juice, then topped with Dr Pepper - Val Kilmer would approve!
Doc Holiday
Carol Danvers is one of Marvel's most notable and powerful female heroes bearing this name
Captain Marvel
This tradition, now associated with Christmas, began in Ancient Greece as a blessing of fertility in wedding ceremonies
Kissing under the mistletoe
In this Christmas classic, a boy approaches an exhausted mother who just got her newborn down for a nap with the gift of the lamest drum solo in the world
Litle Drummer Boy
This maniacally giggling red monster was the hit of the holidays as the best-selling Christmas toy of 1996
Tickle Me Elmo
Abbreviated “SAD”, this common disorder crops up around the holiday season
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Actress Florence Henderson portrayed Carol, the matriarch of a large, blended family in this classic sitcom
The Brady Bunch
Yiddish for "spinning top", children play games with this toy on Hanukkah
Spotify has a playlist featuring 100 different versions of this holiday bop, which was originally written and recorded by 1980's Brit Pop duo Wham!
Last Christmas
4-year-old Andrew woke up one Christmas morning in the 80's telling his mother that if this animatronic teddy bear isn't under the tree, he will die
Teddy Ruxpin
This sports league has played a game on Christmas Day almost every year since its inception in 1946
This American singer feels the earth move under her feet, the sky tumbling down, and her heart start to tremble whenever you're around
Carole King
These candlelit paper lanterns are a Christmas tradition in Mexico and in the Southwestern U.S.
"I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" with every one of these.
"Christmas card I write"
These Danish-made hairy creatures derived from Scandinavian folklore in the 50’s were ripped off with by American toy companies in the 1960’s, and later re-emerged in the 80’s as an indispensable collectible toy for all ages
Neil Papworth approved & sent the first one of these in December 1992, typing, “Merry Christmas”
Text message
This British author is best known for writing "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and it's sequel, "Through the Looking Glass"
Lewis Carroll
Kwanzaa and Hanukkah share this tradition
Nightly lighting of candles
In the Twelve Days of Christmas, lords a-leaping appear in this quantity
Now shockingly worthless, these infantile bead-filled animals led a collector's frenzy in the mid to late 1990's
Beanie Babies